Tap Water & Results?


Active Member
So if you use hard water from the tap in hydro what would be the effect as in the negative impact it might have on the ladies? I am thinking from what I know that chlorine, while not good is not the major issue with tap due to its short life when exposed to air. It is basically gone in 24 to 36 hours so how much more could you gain by using a filter or distilled or ro water? Also can you get rid of the main chemicals in the tap water with a filter not ro meaning like the chlorine and more? I know most filters take out the Chlorine but do they offer one that takes out the other? bad stuff too that is not so high $ like and RO system would be to use.. Thanks.. Ps. If there are any pics of a grow with tap and then RO so to see the difference it would be nice too...


Active Member
the issue with tap water isnt only chlorine, its the TDS, and the PPM of the water. tap water has alot of dissolved solids and a high ppm with all the other junk in it. plants can use a touch of chlorine, its been found to be part of what they plants need to thrive.


Active Member
I know tap is around 210 but that is not my question. I mean I know how much my ladies in flower can handle on PPM and that is around 2000. This means they are still getting over 1700 in nutes aside from the waters ppm. So the question is will they do any better really better without the dissolved calcium and the like. Most hard water with ppms in this range are high in Calcium not much else. I have seen the water study and not really anything else in it that is significant. So also people use Calmag, which is calcium so I know they need a good deal of it. So what does it really do in this situation? Is the pure, RO water really really so much better?? Lots of $ for it so need a good good answer...
the issue with tap water isnt only chlorine, its the TDS, and the PPM of the water. tap water has alot of dissolved solids and a high ppm with all the other junk in it. plants can use a touch of chlorine, its been found to be part of what they plants need to thrive.


Well-Known Member
I agree that rainwater is best. But tap water at 210 is not that bad. Is it well or municiple? If its well water then chlorine is not even a factor. Depending on the nutes you use you may want to get the micro for hardwater if available. You may also want to get a water test kit from Lowes or the like. Or take a sample to your local health department. You can usually get a sample kit from them and in most cases it is free or just a meager cost. Just to see what the calcium, iron ect... levels actually are. And the hard well water can help buffer and help stabilize ph better than R/O or distilled water in hydro setups. In closing I bet your tap water will grow just fine. Oh ya, and never ever use tap water from the hot side. The water heater and hotwater lines will contain calcified lime. VERY BAD. It will cause problems that in most cases cannot be corrected. FELIZ NAVIDAD.


Active Member
Well it is municipal but calcium and lime are almost the same element and like I said the water is hard meaning high in calcium I am guessing. Rain is not that easy here to come by and well snow ha. But I do use organics so I think I am still good with the tap h2o. Not sure if would make a big difference so think I will stay tap.. ??????
I agree that rainwater is best. But tap water at 210 is not that bad. Is it well or municiple? If its well water then chlorine is not even a factor. Depending on the nutes you use you may want to get the micro for hardwater if available. You may also want to get a water test kit from Lowes or the like. Or take a sample to your local health department. You can usually get a sample kit from them and in most cases it is free or just a meager cost. Just to see what the calcium, iron ect... levels actually are. And the hard well water can help buffer and help stabilize ph better than R/O or distilled water in hydro setups. In closing I bet your tap water will grow just fine. Oh ya, and never ever use tap water from the hot side. The water heater and hotwater lines will contain calcified lime. VERY BAD. It will cause problems that in most cases cannot be corrected. FELIZ NAVIDAD.


Well-Known Member
"like I said the water is hard meaning high in calcium I am guessing" Like I said, test it. Then you will know what makes your water hard. And if you think calcium and lime are basically the same thing then I guess you have it all figured out already anyways. Best of luck on your grow. Did you even read my previous post? Hate to be a dick, maybe its a language barrier thing. If so then I am a dick. If not, then the sarcasm stands.

Ace Smoking

Active Member
Well, I live in the country. My tap water has 20ppm with 7pH !! My neighbors don't know this and funnily waste money on brita filters thinking something is wrong with the water out here......:roll:


Well-Known Member
Bright boy still stands on his sarcasm. Calcium-ELEMENT Lime-COMPOUND. So be sure to use water from the hot tap.