Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Mr. West and Growforgood, Pinky has been in flower for 40 days, but she had the pink pistils since she started flowering. She doesnt have any dying pistils yet, im wondering what color they will turn to.

Well I got more news. My sister came over and gave me one of her widows since mine were all male. I looked at the plant and I was, like OMFG !---:wall: The plant looks horrible !!! She has the best equipment, not a bunch of cfl like me... No wonder all her clones except 1 died... anyway take a look for yourselves, LOL... The plant is only 6 inches tall.. sigh the leaves are tiny.

When I got the plant the soil was completely dry... I repotted imediatly.... cause... when I looked at it ... it had pre flowers and its a FEMALE !!!! So I will have a mazar and a widow after all.
The plant looks like crap, but it has a lot of stems... I just put her to flower and im hoping that she will recover with good care:weed:
Looks like shes had it real close to the light and never fed the little bugger.
I'm sure it will be looking great pretty soon mate.
You've already started the process to recovery by getting into some fresh soil.
I think it has a shit load of potential now it's in your hands.
It's gonna take off everywhere with all that close branching it has.
Look forward to seeing it in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for stopping in:bigjoint:

Im pretty happy. Went from having 1 plant in veg (pinky) to having 4 plants and got a female Mazar and a female Widow. My goal was 2 females.

Im not sure what to think about pinky anymore she is on day 40 or 41 of flower, Im not sure how much more she will fill out. The buds are not that big, hope they grow some more.

About the widow, like Mammath said, she has a lot of branches, so who knows I might get lucky with a nig stretch.:blsmoke:

Also ... I ordered some predator spider mites... that should be pretty cool. I hate spider mites:cuss:


Well-Known Member
predator mites?? you mean lady bugs or something else?
I was going to wait til tomm... but this is
what I got today... heheheh

They are other spider mites... but predators... actually they are smaller than normal spider mites.. they are really hard to see.

I bet these freaking spider mites never expected this little present from tatan... hehehehe:blsmoke:

This is the website with all the info... I got 100 predator mites for 11.99 plus shippping came to 29.00

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
doesn't it weird you out to introduce more spider mites? I mean, even if they are predators, aren't you still going to have these guys living on your plant instead? And won't they get hungry?

Seems...weird. I'm interested to see how it works.


Well-Known Member
doesn't it weird you out to introduce more spider mites? I mean, even if they are predators, aren't you still going to have these guys living on your plant instead? And won't they get hungry?

Seems...weird. I'm interested to see how it works.
Hehehee yeah.... Its something like this....

Pinky is like the plains in africa full of damn vegetarian animals grazing.. they eat all the grass... all of a sudden you put a whole bunch of god damn lions and they wtfpwn the damn vegetarians eating all the grass.
Difference here... you put in a whoile bunch of predators they eat the eggs and adults and then when they have nothing else to eat they just die, cause they arent vegetarians they cant eat the plant.

Ive tried many other routes and none work unless you are willing to lose the plant cause some eggs will always remain for the next generation... so im thinking predator mites might work...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Pinky Day 41
Mazar Day Day 13
Bagseed day 4
Widow Day 1

Here is a pic of the flower closet...

The Mazar has turned it around... yellow leaves are gone and she is stretching nicely. She is at 13 inches right now... wish she would have been a little taller before flower.. but oh well..

And here are closeups of bud development on Pinky

And here is a pic of the Bagseed clone and the new Widow in her new pot.. I hope she recovers that poor thing:weed:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah Tatan. Looking excellent mate. :clap:
That pinky is really doing it for me :hump:

When you gonna get 1 decent HID light instead of all those damn candles? lol :-D


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah Tatan. Looking excellent mate. :clap:
That pinky is really doing it for me :hump:

When you gonna get 1 decent HID light instead of all those damn candles? lol :-D

Hehehehe thanks Mammath. I´m moving in a couple of months... so when I move im pobably going to drop the CFL for HID or HPS... Cfl has worked well, but adjusting the lamps almost daily sucks.. and as you casn see... you need a ton of them lol...

Btw... notice on the second bud shot picture... there are little specks everywhere. I think thast the onloy pic in which you can see them. Thats the "medium" in which the preator mites came in... So I sprinkled the whole plant with predator mites:fire:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
mazar looks good, it sure did turn it around!

And pinky...what can you say about that but god damn! One of those would be my avatar pic FOR SURE!

Good stuff!


Well-Known Member
Man, that mystery pinky is looking incredible....she's very photogenic!!! Congrats man... we're all super jealous...

I was just reading a post somewhere a few days ago about a plant that looked just like that one with the pink buds...I can't remember what strain it was though...if I come across it again, i'll link it here for you.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
the predator mites looks like an awesome idea, i collected some lady bugs last fall and put em on my plants but they ended up dying in about a week, they had nothing to eat! anyway man everything looks grea, and yea def get a hid mh/hps when you move out


Well-Known Member
the predator mites looks like an awesome idea, i collected some lady bugs last fall and put em on my plants but they ended up dying in about a week, they had nothing to eat! anyway man everything looks grea, and yea def get a hid mh/hps when you move out

Sorry guys i wont be able to post the next few days my computer broke

Dayzt, i would love to see the link


Well-Known Member
Got my computer working again... so here is an update.

Well a lots happened in the last 10 days. I guess the spider mite predators werent that effective, so ive resumed spraying.

Good news, is that since Pinky was so special, I decided to pollinate some a small branch, with my best white widow male and it worked great ! Here are the results.

So ill have seeds of a Pink Widow ! That should be pretty cool.

Ill do a more detailed update in a couple days but is the flower closet. Plant up front is the Widow, to the left is Pinky, to the right is the Mazar and in the back is a Bagseed clone.

And here are some shots of Pinkies buds



Well-Known Member
Hoorah dude!
Looking fantastic!
Buds look magnificent.

+rep for the pollinating Tatan.
Good work mate. Very Impressive.
Those seeds are gonna be great!

Pink Widow Oh Yeah :hump:

Good to have you back. :peace:

Edit: Sorry mate, gotta spread the love. +rep as soon as I can.