Tell me i don't have nanners!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about a few banana's. They won't make all your bud full of seeds. I also wouldn't have sprayed them with water. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
OK, I won't then.

They do but, are for the most part, only 15% viable. They tend to not work well and/or travel well either. IF they were to pollinate a calyx and form seeds. It would only be from a calyx right next to it.
I'm beginning to believe for these late nanners to work, they have to pollintate by contacting the calyx to transfer the pollen. That is still just theory.....

Now I have seen early stress selfies (S1 seeds) pop a shit ton of "nanners" that are more grouped and enlongated. These are more viable but, the pollen doesn't travel well with out a good breeze (plants at about 3 ft from them didn't get any pollination.)

Read the above = NO it won't!

It's so far down the road in bloom. He's too near harvest for any real viable seeding to happen......

That pheno is most likely expressing from how long it's run, combined with a minor expression of the trait to do so.

ALL cannabis can "herm" ! It's in their genetic make-up....

There is NO truly stable strain! Run one long enough, It'll throw some nanners.......

How long have those plants been running since the flip?

I have to laugh at all the panic and dumb "solutions" to a few nanners showing up. Spray the plant with water, lol. Some said possible mold - I agree, not worth the risk at this point!

Just pluck'em and carry on.....Late bloom nanners in the last week or so. Whoop de doo!


Well-Known Member
Could I just Harvest it now? And if I spray the whole tent won't that lead to bud rot on all my other girls? I was always told to never spray once mid way through flower!
Those late nanners tend to not as potent as normal male flowers. I doubt they will seed the whole crop. Pick them off and mist everything down with water.


Well-Known Member

j/k. listen to Dr. Who and White. trust me. you're fine. that bud looks about done anyway. nothing to worry about. have a good harvest :)