Temp vs Humidity


Well-Known Member
for veg you want a high humidity. i can get mine as high as 80% naturally. flower the lower the better. flower i run 87 degrees with my hum at 32%. most of the time my hum. is 26%. all naturally. this is how to get the dense hard buds.
I don't think that kid understood the importance of a high RH value during veg...or much else. :lol: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't think that kid understood the importance of a high RH value during veg...or much else. :lol: :peace:
Yo man just because those books say 40-80% relative humidity is the desired range doesn't mean your plants wont grow with less.
When I first started growing I had a shitty humidifier that barely worked I maybe had 15% relative humidity on a good day. I made it all the way through veg and flowering and ended up with a good amount of fire bud.

The information you read is all relative they are NOT absolutes.
Just because you can quote it out of a book doesn't mean it cannot be done any other way


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
and you have to keep in mind that what is said in the the books ( in my mind i could be wrong ) most of the info leans more toward setups that have no way of getting proper air flow and venting. more for the closet grower and the growers that are not legal to grow so everything has to be hidden.


Well-Known Member
Yo man just because those books say 40-80% relative humidity is the desired range doesn't mean your plants wont grow with less.
When I first started growing I had a shitty humidifier that barely worked I maybe had 15% relative humidity on a good day. I made it all the way through veg and flowering and ended up with a good amount of fire bud.

The information you read is all relative they are NOT absolutes.
Just because you can quote it out of a book doesn't mean it cannot be done any other way
:lol: we were talking EFFICIENCY. :peace:


Well-Known Member
In other words, you won't experience maximum potential by straying from optimal ranges. Sure, you can grow in the most dismal conditions, and achieve some form of success. I once trimmed a plant and left it in the cold dark basement for a week, and it was still thriving. You are correct, but you can't downplay the importance of accurate info...can you? :o


Well-Known Member
I have to agree about the RH being high as I used to grow where I could swing it from 30-70 based on heat, and de-humidifiers. I would keep it around 50 for veg and try to keep it around 35 for flower and I went higher as well for test. But when I went higher then 50 no matter if it was in veg or flowering, my plants to did respond as well as I don't think they were able to transpire. Plus based on the size of the buds I was growing mold was an issue at anything over 55.
Now I grow in a different environment, with smaller lights and RH around 27 and no matter what i do I can not raise it. Yield is still good, but not great, resin production seems to be the same, but the plants are just not as healthy because Rh is so low. I now have to mist plants daily with helps loads.
You can still grow great weed with low rh as there are plenty of out doors growers who grow in environments like this and have amazing crops. Shit. I grow using only 650 watts, 1 month veg and I'm getting around 12 oz's. But for indoors, it's a slippery sloap and RH matters much for overall greatness in buds.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i mist in flower every 3 days my hum. stays the same. i bet if you bumpt upto 1000wtt's your buds would be even better.


Well-Known Member
I agree with von dankenstein, its the new trend to keep humidity low thru out the grow.

Contrary to many reports, high humidity is not good for plants except during germination and rooting. Lower humidity levels help the plant transpire CO2 and reduce risk of molds during flowering.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this is true but if you have plenty of air flow and lots of freash air then the high hum during veg is better for the plant


Well-Known Member
I agree with von dankenstein, its the new trend to keep humidity low thru out the grow.

Contrary to many reports, high humidity is not good for plants except during germination and rooting. Lower humidity levels help the plant transpire CO2 and reduce risk of molds during flowering.
has this trend turned out to be an improvement over high RH for vegging? i am always open to progress. for example, i found that cloning WITHOUT the use of a dome works better for me, contrary to all the hype. is a lower RH better for vegging? and if so, why?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
because of the mold. but every setup is not the same. so its allon what woks for you


Well-Known Member
because of the mold. but every setup is not the same. so its allon what woks for you
i fully understand your point about supplying fresh oxygen, ventilation, etc. you're on point. i was questioning the other poster's opinion about the validity of the trend, more specifically, if he feels an overall lower RH is actually better than high for vegging and low for flowering.


Well-Known Member
and you have to keep in mind that what is said in the the books ( in my mind i could be wrong ) most of the info leans more toward setups that have no way of getting proper air flow and venting. more for the closet grower and the growers that are not legal to grow so everything has to be hidden.
I'm not sure everything is coming from the same angle. I have read some books and mags, but I have also spoken to many growers. I have all the videos on the market (I believe), and many times a cross reference will show that people have disagreements on theory. I guess I start with what is agreed upon by a majority and seek my own experience from that point. I have found a RH of about 65 works well for me during vegging. I can see where some applications would need a lower RH to fend of mold and other problems, as you have to improvise. But, what is optimal? What do you feel is the desired range that would bring about the best results in the average garden?


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth i havent seen any differnce in veg or flowering yet, but they say the plant takes up co2 better that way and that should benefit it.


Well-Known Member
co2 uptake is higher when the RH is low?

Supposedly, also they said it promotes the flow of water from roots to leaves. Now this is the first grow i tried it and i dont see no noticeable differnce. 39 days in flower and they are as big as they always are. So again honest answer, i dont see any adverse effects, but i dont see any improvement either.