Temperature 400W Mh/Hps/Mh seed to harvest?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing 1 plant in my upstairs closet under 400w Mh and its getting pretty hot up there compared to the rest of the house. Now i know for a fact when i switch to Hps its only gonna get hotter; so my question is how much will yield would be affected if i grew only with the MH through harvest? This question is mainly for people who have grown seed to harvest with MH alone and HPS. I know it will be a little more compacted vs HPS but how much of a decline in yield would i have if any?

P.S i have central air and its just not an option right now cause it still gets cold and portable AC is outta the question unless i upgrade my system. Any and all input is appreciated, even from CFL users who use different kelvins to grow.


Well-Known Member
I have done CFL, MH/HPS and CMH and no matter what I have had to run good exhaust fans to keep my temps stabilized and humidity in check. I run a 4x4 tent with 2 CMH in open hoods and have two exhaust fans for it. I also have a 4x4 tent using 600 MH/HPS but with air cooled hoods and dont need exhaust in the tent, just the hoods. I don't do CFL anymore, but had to have exhaust with that too..Also, after my second grow, I realized running lights at night helped since the temps are lower then, just a thought for the future.


Well-Known Member
I have done CFL, MH/HPS and CMH and no matter what I have had to run good exhaust fans to keep my temps stabilized and humidity in check. I run a 4x4 tent with 2 CMH in open hoods and have two exhaust fans for it. I also have a 4x4 tent using 600 MH/HPS but with air cooled hoods and dont need exhaust in the tent, just the hoods. I don't do CFL anymore, but had to have exhaust with that too..Also, after my second grow, I realized running lights at night helped since the temps are lower then, just a thought for the future.
I'll just handle the temperature issue when the situation arises, i have another fan but its kinda loud,not loud in a sense of annoyance but loud enough for someone to ask "whats that little ticking noise?"