Temperature issues


Well-Known Member
Just set up my grow tent fan and all and left the light running for an hour to see how I'd do temp wise and unfortuantly the results werent to great.

Temps got up to 91 degrees under a 400 watt HID
The tent is only like 24 cubic feet the fan i have now is an 80 CFM duct fan & outside temps are low 70's generally

At this point before I throw more money away I want to atleast spend it wisely, what would be the better option a cool tube or getting a better fan (Before someone says both, I don't have the money at the moment) or would putting a couple normal fans inside help at all? I dont currently have any inside



Do you have an air intake fan ? are you using an oscillating fan to push the heat up to the exhaust fan ? whats the temp outside the grow room ?

Your duct/exhaust should be near and at the same level of the bulb to better take the hot hair from your 400 watt light out, from what i see its a bit too far up and your building too much heat before exhausting it out



Well-Known Member
I answered all those questions in the original post ;) the ONLY fan I have running is the exhaust duct fan

I tried moving it down a bit when i had the light running, it didnt make much of a diffrence but that could have been because it was already so hot in there.


Well-Known Member
I had similar issues. I found the only way to get around them was to get an air-cooled hood. I went from running 96+ to 77°F.


Well-Known Member
im thinking even if i did get an air cooled hood the 80cfm booster fan still wouldnt be enough lol. I should probably invest in a good inline fan but im not sure how much ill need to cool it down in there

i found someone selling this on craigs list for 65$

but could that be TO much for my small tent?

another decent deal i saw was


+ A carbon filter for 130$

not sure what to go with


Well-Known Member
im thinking even if i did get an air cooled hood the 80cfm booster fan still wouldnt be enough lol. I should probably invest in a good inline fan but im not sure how much ill need to cool it down in there

i found someone selling this on craigs list for 65$

but could that be TO much for my small tent?

another decent deal i saw was


+ A carbon filter for 130$

not sure what to go with

Hell no thats perfect.. 440 CFM is something you can use for other stuff too. You can even use that on the hood attached to a carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks :D I guess ill give the guy a call then, 440CFM just seemed like alot for a tent thats only 24 cubic feet, i dont wanna end up sucking the air out of my tent lol


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks :D I guess ill give the guy a call then, 440CFM just seemed like alot for a tent thats only 24 cubic feet, i dont wanna end up sucking the air out of my tent lol
does it stay that hot in there with the door flaps on the tent open. Shit just leave those open during lights on.


Well-Known Member
I havn't even tried. but hell if itll save me some money losing a bit of light wont kill me lol. I'm only growing 2 plants under a 400 watt anyways so I have plenty of light.

I think ill go for the 177cfm fan + carbon filter for 130$ if that doesnt work

acording to him he bought it only 2 weeks ago it's a vortex 4"" inline fan which sells new on amazon for 138$ so i pretty much get a free carbon filter with it. i was gunna have to buy one anyways when flowering came around


Well-Known Member
I havn't even tried. but hell if itll save me some money losing a bit of light wont kill me lol. I'm only growing 2 plants under a 400 watt anyways so I have plenty of light.

I think ill go for the 177cfm fan + carbon filter for 130$ if that doesnt work

acording to him he bought it only 2 weeks ago it's a vortex 4"" inline fan which sells new on amazon for 138$ so i pretty much get a free carbon filter with it. i was gunna have to buy one anyways when flowering came around

Yeah do that you wont lose much light leave the doors open during lights on. I bought my 440CFM can fan and carbon filter on craigslist.Good luck dude.

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
I know it's been suggested but I think a cool tube/air cooled hood would be the best investment if you dont have much cash. i use a cool tube and it dropped my temps big time


Well-Known Member
Well I was originally leaning towards getting a cooltube but even with it you still need a proper fan right? I dont think this 80 CFM duct fan would cut it for a cooltube


Well-Known Member
I got this exact carbon filter/inline fan combo and it solved all my problems with an air-cooled hood. I just pull the air through my carbon air filter, through my hood and then out of my tent (and then outside). It takes care of the smell and the temperatures at the same time. I also have a small computer fan (~90 CFM) blowing through a 4" duct into my fan along with another 6" passive inlet. My house doesn't have air conditioning and I still never run above 85°F in the summer (even when it is 78°F in my house). This setup only cost a few hundred and is WELL worth it in my opinion. Good luck and happy growing!



Well-Known Member
I ended up getting a hydrofarm 400 CFM fan with an air cooled hood + speed controller. this should be more than adequate on cooling such a small space ._.


Well-Known Member
I'll see how it does when it gets here :) I plan on exhausting out the window so intake temps will always be in the 70's, crossing my fingers itll work :D