Tent problems & questions: Lights to close to mylar? Humidifier for low RH? Pics inc.


Active Member
Hi all, and thanks for answering my germination question yesterday.

I've just received my thermometer today, so I can go ahead and start my grow (didn't want to jump the gun) but I'm having a problem I had the last time I tried a grow in a PC case: humidity doesn't seem to want to climb past 30%, in fact it's down to 15% right now, and I know this is basically a death sentence for my plants.

I have a 5'3 tall tent (feet with inches always makes the size more comprehensible for me) , 63 x 32 x 32, with a 600 watt cool tube Apollo Horticulture digital/switchable ballast. I also have a 6 inch 240 cfm fan, but it is so damn loud I can barely hear anything... it sounds like a jet. Though powerful, I just can't use it. I have about 5 vents here for fans, so I'd like to know if I could just put a few small computer fans to do the trick. The humidity % is currently without the fan running since it's just not possible to have it running right now. In fact, as you can see, the fan is pretty big... it won't evenly fit in the air duct but leans either inside or outside.

1.) Can I put a small humidifier inside my tent? Will putting a humidifier in the room I'm growing in (not that big) affect the humidity inside the tent?

2.) Is the light to close to the sides of my tent? I don't want to melt it and breathe any toxic chemicals.

3.) Can anyone tell me what those omega-shaped metal strips are for? None of my equipment came with instructions so I just winged it, and so far so good, but I'm not sure what to do with them. There are two (though only one is pictured).

And last but not least, what do you think of my setup? Would you add/change anything? I'm looking for opinions as well. Thanks in advance to everyone I wouldn't know what to do without my online greenthumbs :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hi, i dropped in to say those metal strips look like the wings for the cool tube reflector like this.. no
tice the wings???. Your set up looks good. Are you measuring the RH% as the tent is now(with no plants in)?? Once there is plants in there transpiring(breathing) and damp soil and stuff i suspect that your RH will rise. Good luck man. Peace. CG


Active Member
Thanks for addressing that, I'll edit it out my post now. Right now there is nothing inside it, I was doing a dry run. I think I will leave a few dishes of water inside and periodically spray the mylar to keep it as moist as I can.


Active Member
Good setup but by the looks of it if ur plant grows and then doubles or triples the size in flowering it won't fit lol unless u do a lot of trimming


Active Member
with the cooltube ur mylar is fine and heat shouldnt be a issue. Try having ur big fan outside the tent and insulate the fan so its quieter as 6inch inline fan is what ul need to keep that 600w cool.


Active Member
with the cooltube ur mylar is fine and heat shouldnt be a issue. Try having ur big fan outside the tent and insulate the fan so its quieter as 6inch inline fan is what ul need to keep that 600w cool.
Keep it outside as in not in the tent air duct at all? And how do you insulate a fan? Sorry these concepts are new to me.