*Test Grow* Growing Using Daphnia


Well-Known Member

First, let me explain what daphnia are.
Daphnia are small planktonic crustaceans that live in freshwater. People usually use them to feed fish or do experiments since a colony that is maintained outside of its natural environment will all be genetically the same.
I have around 400 gallons of daphnia, which is probably around 200-500k daphnia.
Everyday, I take out around 30-40 gallons of water, and I siphon about 5 gallons of super concentrated detritus that collects at the bottom of the daphnia container/tank.
The siphoned water is packed with dead daphnia, daphnia shells, copepods, dead snails, daphnia/snail poop, and nutritional yeast (daphnia consume the yeast).

Well, the wife was using that water over the summer and her plants look extra big this year, and I think it's due to the daphnia water.
I am confident that this water is better than fish emulsion due to the daphnia shells (calcium) and decaying nutritional yeast (it's loaded with vitamins and minerals).

What is exciting is that research into daphnia and growing plants is barely starting.
For example, this study was done in 2022, and shows that using daphnia magna increased germination rate, root growth, and also showed antifungal and antibacterial properties.
"D. magna enhanced the germination rate by 90, 83, and 80%, respectively (Fig. 3b), while with G. pulex the increase in germination rate was 86.6, 83, and 76.6%, respectively (Fig. 3c). Furthermore, D. magna showed high enhancement of root length with the highest effect recorded at 1 mg mL. "

First strain I am going to grow is Gorilla, DWC.
Using a 3x3 tent and mars hydro fce3000 (300watt LED).
The root started to pop out of the rockwool so she is going into a bucket today.
Anyone have any experience using fish emulsion in DWC?

