Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
im at work rite no and hating it.. all the power went out so im freezing my ass off.. and ppl think its always hot in texas.. shit if u can live here u can live anywhere.. cuz wen its hot its boiling and when its cold its effin freezing


Active Member
Its so damn cold i dont even want to be out there for 5 damn mins to smoke a cig. And the rolling blackouts are bullshit i dont know why the hell they are doing it.


Well-Known Member
4/5 BHs are up and working on 2nd set of leaves. just a lil update. even in this cold weather they are chugging along.


Well-Known Member
more ice on the way!!! fuck me!!! i'll try not to bitch too much because i know 100+ degree weather is right around the corner and i'll save my bitching for that.


Active Member
A few pics of short stuff auto assassin that has been knocked up.

Garage grow with couple of 150 HPS and some CFL on splitters.

Turned off the fans and temps still stayed in 50's... so screw you mid 20 temps outside. LOL.

Nice and frosty with 2 weeks left, will let seeds develop for 4 weeks 5 days........ look at all that resin even with it having seeds - total grow time 9 weeks......hm hm good.......


Well-Known Member
last sunday we had snow and ice and this weekend i'm going to get my knees in the breeze. the cure for spring fever is here.