Texas Outdoor grower's


Well-Known Member
well today i checked them and bird's attacked 5 of the 6 one had a stem with 2 little flower's like small but it was growing but they fucked that up, but the one that is left is sprouting out of the dirt thankfully.


Well-Known Member
fuck the law, its not risky, move around with the negativity. you say its gunna yeild one gram, yet you say its a major risk.


Well-Known Member
it's not that risky me and my friend go in a different way everytime and we have sand by the plant's all around it so we see who's been walking around and we clean the sand of are foot print's so we can tell if someone else has came by, but it's not that risky it's just as risky as anywhere else and if all i get is a gram that's cool it's my own grown weed im smoking that's what im happy about. AND FUCK BIRD's FOR ATTACKING MY PLANTS


Active Member
Of course water your plant's but, is it bad to water during the day or shed some learning experience's you have learned growing in texas like only stuff that happen's in texas dubious06 please, also is it to later to start now i just put 6 plant's in a secure kinda location.
I always water in the evenings about an hour or two before sundown. The plant will hold more water and evaporate less in this Texas heat. You can water early in the morning but try not to get water all over the leaves. The sun can magnify water droplets on the leaves and burn them, and it's the same at midday. Ideally stick to late afternoon and you'll be fine. You might have to water everyday in this heat-- mine are in containers and I'm out there everyday.

You can start now, but your yield will be low. In Texas you can probably get away with that since it doesn't start to get cold until late November! I just checked out your grow, you've got a ways to go my friend. If they haven't sprouted yet I wouldn't leave them in direct sunlight in this heat. The seeds need to stay moist and I bet those cups dry out fast in the sun. Until they've sprouted and have some leaves you might put them in partial sun. Don't start using nutes until they've gotten chance to get established-- maybe when they got between 3-5 nodes, otherwise you'll burn your young ones. Outdoors you're at the hands of mother nature and the plant won't flower typically until sometime in fall when the light cycles are closer to 12/12. Also depends on what strain you're growing as some start sooner than others. Outdoors you'll also have to look out for bugs and critters-- especially those damn deer! They were my biggest problem with my gardens and what led my to putting up a couple greenhouses. They'll mow down your plants in a hurry, so try and protect them.

Also make sure you guys aren't telling anyone else about it. The fastest way to have your stuff stolen or to get busted is to tell others about it. One friends tells another, then he tells another, and so on and so on. Make sure your grow isn't somewhere easily accessible, and not near any trails that others might walk along. As you go to and from your grow try not to go the same way every time so you don't start making trails of your own that lead right to your grow. I know I sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry and I've read enough horror stories on this site with people that weren't smart about it. Good luck with your grow man, cheers.


Well-Known Member
Well, great new's i found some deer shit around my area seen it alot but than i found some by my plant's and guess what i found my plant's flipped over so fuck my life at the moment, i even pee'd around there and stuff but im going to go to indoor growing since it's getting later in the year.