TGA Deep Purple Sample


Well-Known Member
i got 2 out of 2 males with these deep purple seeds , pitty they dont do fem seeds .
Dude that sucks!! I got 5 out of 5 females, and was actually pissed because I wanted to pollinate and keep the strain around.

This is post chop, this particular sample was taken about a week early.


Well-Known Member
Damn, it is sad hearing about all of these Deep Purple males!! I really needed a male, was really depending upon it to deliver years and years of my anxiety medicine. Couldn't get one for shit out of a 5 pack. I've heard this is common, though. Next time I need to keep a strain around, I'll definitely order a 10 pack. Lesson learned I suppose. Plushberry and Chernobyl are up next...Can't fuckin' wait!!!