THC Breathstrips


Well-Known Member

Med-strips are like the Listerine breath strips you buy at the supermarket, except that each one of these comes loaded with 625mg of wonderful THC. The label claims these strips will be effective, discreet and convenient and Med-Strips deliver big-time.​
Here is the breakdown:
Purchased in West Los Angeles, California
Cost: $10/ea. Or three 2-packs for $50.
Flavors available: Mint and Cinnamon
THC Content: 625mg per strip (a 45x sucker is 600mg)
The ups: Smoke free, could not be more convenient or discreet, actually packs a punch (especially if you take two at a time), excellent for the purse or wallet for those emergency times when you must get medicated
The downs: These are a little thicker than Listerine strips. When they dissolve, they turn into a little glob of goo in your mouth. That’s not so nice. Also, some might not like them because they abandon the natural wholeness of dried cannabis.
The rest: The taste is decent and about what you might expect. Like putting a nugget in a wad of spearmint gum and chewing it.
Overall, I loved Med-Strips and will be buying them again. If you are sick, these are quite a find.


Well-Known Member
These look amazing...Dose anyone have an idea of how to make them?? Maybe keif soaked in pepermint exatract with a litte food coloring?? Then pored in little trays to let dry...Thats just my idea to get your going...

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
They use the same listerine machine that runs---50,000.00---I love the effect of the strips but it takes a long time to feel the effect 1 to 4 hours.


Well-Known Member
I tried these (or something very similar) years ago in a non-medical state. They were precisely as you described, and they mess you up! I would only often need a half a strip and a full one would push me straight into totally F'd territory.

I can't say if the ones I tried were whole plant extracts, or THC only. Are you saying the ones you're talking about contain only THC? Or is it a whole plant extract? If they're only THC, no wonder they mess you up so good; no CBN/CBD to counteract the THC.