THC Pills


Well-Known Member
Using single '0' caps which hold .5ml/cc of liquid, I make 25 caps per gram of oil/wax as follows: Using .5gm of coconut oil for each capsule, 25 caps=12.5gm. I take the 12.5gm of coconut oil, add the gram of oil/wax in a small stainless container. I heat it to 240°-250°F for 20-25 minutes, until the bubbling stops from the decarbing. Let the oil mixture cool to about 100°, and use a syringe to fill the caps. That is, fill the large end of the cap, let it harden in the fridge and place the tops on the caps. I took a 1/4" plastic sheet and drilled holes of a size to hold the caps, and glued the holed sheet to a blank sheet so the caps could sit in the holes, and the whole unit can be picked up and moved about.