THC Science (good info)

phil le b

Well-Known Member
Trichomes Science
Trichomes evolved on cannabis to prevent herbivory/parasitism by small
insects. In the wild, insects landing on a cannabis leaf become adhered
to the trichomes causing death or lost time and in addition will absorb
the cannabanoids and, so intoxicated, experience increased rates of
predation and loss of will to escape. However, the intercession of man
in the natural selection process has rapidly accelerated the favoring of
genotypes that produce copious amounts of THC laden trichomes.
In addition, THC has very high UV-B absorption properties, thus cannabis
evolution may have favored the evolution of genotypes that produced
these THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes as a built in 'sun-screen'
for protection against UV-B light rays. The dried trichomes of cannabis
used for smoking purposes is called kief.