I 100% agree with almost everything you say... But to say that EVERY SICK PERSON out there HAS THE ABILITY TO GROW THEIR OWN is just plain false, and if you actually believe it, then you are deluded.
I already said I agree that IF they can, then they should...
But it appears that you've decided that if they can't then they don't deserve the benefit of the weed, that getting safe affordable access for them is not important.
2 years ago I couldn't even finish a sentence, couldn't follow a conversation, didn't know where I was half the time, tried to kill myself twice, shook so bad I couldn't hold a drink or carry my plate to the table. All of that was due to the cocktail of chemicals I had been prescribed. The first time I tried to off myself, I spent 3 days in the psych wing, and the psychiatrist who spent 15 minutes with me declared it was the marijuana I was smoking that caused my suicide attempt, even though the listed side effects for more than one or two of the drugs I was on was to watch for depression and thoughts of self harm.
I'd rather eat rat poison than go back on those drugs again... I spent 6 months withdrawing from various prescribed drugs, horrible time, never again...
Big pharma has your best interest in mind? Ha, sure...
Anyhow, I never posted to create controversy, so I'm gonna leave it at this, I've done my best to made my point.