The Art of Glass Plumbing


Well-Known Member
I have a friend in WA state that is a very talented glass blower and when we met up yest he laid this amazing piece on me.
I am waiting on Jilly and Dioxide to break her in but I had to show off the amazing work.
How the hell do you bend melted glass in that many directions.

Just genius it percolates in 3 places hard!

Thanks Rob and Rose!




Well-Known Member
When the makers of the incredibowl asked me for a review I wasn't that kind when it came to the plastic design. While many people love the smaller shotgun device called the Incredibowl I was not as impressed. However at the cup this year I was presented with what I understand is a very rare version of there creation a glass Sherlock.



Active Member
I can only imagine how smooth that piece is going to hit. Have you decided what strain/strains you might use for the maiden voyage?


Well-Known Member
Ocan the incredibowl uses some serious over engineering to clear the tube. The bowl itself is spring loaded and it lifts so the carb/air passes around the bowl cooling it and clearing the tube instantly.

I really like the cats that created and run the company but to me it hits like a toilet paper roll with a tin foil bowl that you made cause your out of papers. This was my initial reaction but they now make the tubes smaller and it deff gives a better smoother hit and several of my friends like the smaller straight tube.
I actually have not hit the sherlock yet MzJill is on the road with the kids and I am waiting on her to return so we can break it in together.

I will have a report even if its a small one.

After trying out the amazing twist pipe I will most likely auction it off for some charity as its much more a piece of art to me than a daily toker.
Robs son has Autism and he donates a good deal of his glass sale earnings to families with Autistic kids which has inspired me to do similar things.

Its amazing the people you meet in this country who grow and smoke Cannabis, some of the most giving and honorable people I have the pleasure of meeting and I am deff glad to call em by brothers and sisters.

I wish our government could pull its head out of its ass and see all the good I see in our pothead culture.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Sub for your insight.Much appreciated.

That Twist pipe looks amazing with out a doubt.I to think it's more of a show piece rather than a working pipe.I feer I would more than likely break it sooner or later from using it.

There are to many up tight hypocritical people out their with there heads berried deep in the sand.The nicest people I have ever met in my days are almost always canna user's lol.


Active Member
one of my best friends engineered the incredibowl here in boulder. they're killing it right now but i don't like shotgun devices. Reminds me out of this old stale ass bamboo pipe we used to puff with. that twisted glass looks pretty cool but looks like a bitch to clean. Thats why i always stay clear of those super triple inverted sideways percolators... too much work.


Active Member
did you get to hit that incredibowl sherlock? what was your final opinion on it? i love my m420 and i've always wanted a sherlock pipe, so to get them both in one is awesome to me