The Beginning Of The End : 3 days into flowering!!1 1/2 weeks since fem cut(PICS!!)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I have a weak ass month and a week old plant that I just started flowering 3 days ago. I cut all the main fan leaves off for the other branches to get more light to grow, I dont know if that was a good idea but its just an experiment anyway, a hobby if u will. I femmed my plant just a week and a half ago and the cuts doin pretty good id say.

Pic 1 - the four new nodes from the fem cut.

Pic 2 - The Grow Area

Pic 3 - Still the grow area

Pic 4 - Another pic of the nodes



Active Member
Well your doing somthing right by growing a beautiful god made plant!So pat on the back for trying, dont think your lighting equpt. will work for the full cycle til mature. So far so good as i can tell but might want to git a tray to lift the pot up to catch excess water which could cause you a mess of probs. And to git buds you need a nice (mh) or metal halide bulb, which are all arround construction sites, not saying go steel one but they usually have then on some type of portable lighting system which is pritty easy to pack up and set up. So so far so good git better lighting if possible, but if doing stelth cuz of a parent issue, id invest in a t-5 lighting system which can do the whole grow, u just swap out light bulbs when flowering.=]