The best drying/curing investment I ever made

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
These things work great and this is the best price I've found.

When buds are beginning to dry, just jar some and put one of these in for a few hours. It will give you an accurate RH reading. Just keep airing them out little by little until they are between 55 and 60 (but never below 55) and then seal them in jars for the long haul. They will continue to cure for months if you leave them alone.


Been reading a lot lately about curing with a thermometer/hygrometer. I think i might just have to buy one like this. Thank you for the info & the link.


Misguided Angel
When it comes to my buds I will spend the extra 10 bucks for accuracy, the caliber III is +/- 1% accuracy in between the 40-80% range and +/-3% outside of that range. I think the walmart one would be fine if you wanted to know approximately what the humidity is in your house, but I don't know if I would trust it when using it to cure my precious buds. Just my two cents!


I have a couple temp/hygrometer meters I bought at Walmart for $6. They're digital and will fit in a jar easy. They have clips on the back, to, for clipping to my strings that I hang buds on in the drying room. Work well. I'll try them in jars and see how they work.


Well-Known Member

I thought I' throw this in there. It's about the size of a silver dollar and what serious cigar smokers have in their humidors. Xikar is a very good brand.
The Xikar/Hydroset is an excellent hygrometer and it works well in the application, as along as it's calibrated. Along with the CaliberIII, which is the reference standard, they're the only hygrometers recommended for this application. I regularly test new hygrometers; have three on the way at this very moment. If I find something that works as well, I'll update the tutorial.

Folks, please understand that none of the suggested ranges of humidity have relevance, unless you're able to get a reliable and consistent reading. We know that Walmart sells hygrometers, which we tested years ago, and that small, inexpensive hygrometers can be found virtually anywhere. This isn't a matter of using an instrument called a hygrometer; it's a matter of using one that works in this application.



Misguided Angel

The Xikar/Hydroset is an excellent hygrometer and it works well in the application, as along as it's calibrated. Along with the CaliberIII, which is the reference standard, they're the only hygrometers recommended for this application. I regularly test new hygrometers; have three on the way at this very moment. If I find something that works as well, I'll update the tutorial.

Folks, please understand that none of the suggested ranges of humidity have relevance, unless you're able to get a reliable and consistent reading. We know that Walmart sells hygrometers, which we tested years ago, and that small, inexpensive hygrometers can be found virtually anywhere. This isn't a matter of using an instrument called a hygrometer; it's a matter of using one that works in this application.

Couldn't have said it better myself!


Active Member
The Xikar/Hydroset is an excellent hygrometer and it works well in the application, as along as it's calibrated. Along with the CaliberIII, which is the reference standard, they're the only hygrometers recommended for this application. I regularly test new hygrometers; have three on the way at this very moment. If I find something that works as well, I'll update the tutorial. Folks, please understand that none of the suggested ranges of humidity have relevance, unless you're able to get a reliable and consistent reading. We know that Walmart sells hygrometers, which we tested years ago, and that small, inexpensive hygrometers can be found virtually anywhere. This isn't a matter of using an instrument called a hygrometer; it's a matter of using one that works in this application. Simon
Is it me or do each of those show a different reading?


Well-Known Member
I would not rest the cure of my harvest in the hands of that sunbeam thing. The first review even says that the guy bought 2, sat them side by side and they were 15% off from each other.

The Caliber III from Western Humidor is a very accurate piece of equipment for a very important stage of finishing your product. The Caliber III is accurate within +/-1%. The real importance of a hygrometer is knowing the plus/minus percentage so you can accurately gauge where your lowest potential % is in regards to the machines output.

I doubt that Sunbeam even gives the technical specifications for that shitty hygrometer's accuracy, but let's just pretend its +/-5% which I think is being generous.

For example, I dry my buds until my Caliber III reads 57%. Given it's accuracy, my buds are somewhere between 56 and 58% RH, the perfect RH for curing. Now, the analog Sunbean Hygrometer reads 55% but is actually +/-5%. Your bud could actually be anywhere from 50-60% RH and you could have missed your opportunity to cure. Plain and simple.

Now, if you're talking about DRYING your buds and you want to maintain a decent relative humidity within the area you are drying, then that is a different story and I'm sure one of those Sunbeam things would work, but when it comes time to seal that jar up for good and start curing, it's important to have an accurate reading.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
If you're looking for small size and accuracy this is one of the best. The accurites and other cheap ones are off by roughly 3 degrees on the temp and 8 percent on the humidity. The ones I've compared anyway.

Just calibrate it in a moisture bag, and you're golden.


Well-Known Member