The Best Instrumental Album Ever


Well-Known Member
Remixes & beats are not considered instrumental as my understanding of music goes,not that i care all too much but for something to be classed in the instrumental genre it needs to have instruments being played,by musicians.


Well-Known Member
Why are you asking me?

If youre that interested in knowing the various instruments they use, then just download and check it out.


Well-Known Member
because if it's a bunch of hip-hop bullshit i'd rather not waist my time.. thats why im asking you.. you seem to be a fan, so I thought, ya know.. surely YOU'D know what kinda music it is.. is it music, or is it hip-hop/rap?


Active Member
I saw the first G3 tour here in Denver with Eric Johnson As well as Joe and Stevie.I have seen Joe 3 times now. I saw Joe once with Dream Theatre.That was fucking wonderful!!!


Well-Known Member
RJD2 - Deadringer

...but if you want raw ass beats...check out the instrumentals of Jake-One's White Van Music