The best organic tea to make for foliar feeding?


Well-Known Member
I picked up some bottles of Fish Emulsion, Kelp Extract, Bat Guano, and Molasses and I'm wondering whats the best way to use all of these.

I have been adding the blackstrap molasses to the water when watering -- aswell as foliar feeding with it, but I need to make use of all these other ingredients.

Anyone have the perfect tea for foliar feeding, for quart sized sprayers?
I mixed up a tea solution just now containing:

1 TBS Bat Guano ( Jamacian )
1/2 TBS Fish Emulstion
1/2 TBS Kelp Extract
1/2 TBS Blackstrap Molasses

And due to my massive amounts of reading, it sounds like the perfect foliar feeding application, for the most potent, dense & big buds for flowering, but I could be wrong ;)

Now, due to the guano, should I let this sit for 24 hrs and shake it every hour? Also, I've heard you can't store this because the molasses will turn into unhealthy bacteria, but if I store it in a freezer or refrigerator I would think this could be usable for a month, no?

Also, apply every day twice a day correct?


Alssssssoo I'm wondering if anyone else had any specific tips they could share, that THEY HAVE TRIED, that improve the potency, or yield.
-I know there's carbohydrates such as blackstrap molasses, also acting as a chelate, to improve potency and size of buds
-UVB light to increase resin production
-And before you harvest, let the plant have 3 days of complete darkness to strain the resin glands, which has been said by many to multiply the amount of resin / thc

Any others?
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