The best way to get a seed to sprout?


Thanks a lot people. Everything is going spot on at the moment to say it's on day 4 from taking the seed out the packet and it's a nice healthy looking 1inch-ish seedling.

Still many things I need in both knowledge and equipment but I'm slowly getting there, the only problem I seem to have now is temperature, it's literally taking it to both extremes, like 35'c with light on and about 10'c at night if not less. I'm using a red scorpion extraction fan with ducting going into top (don't need the carbon filter on yet) and also a fan heater but obviously only on the fan setting, it's not that powerful at all tbh.

Any other tips for this please guys? I know the proper way to do this would be buy an intake fan and have that cool air coming from outside or at least another room, I can't afford another fan at the moment and to be honest due to noise and being fairly close to other people I really can't have another one in another room, and definitely not ducting out a window or something.

Would maybe getting another cheapish but more powerful fan on the inside of the tent help? I know it's only pushing hot air around but still..

Thanks again peeps


Well-Known Member
as long as it stays over 12c`ish at night the plant will still grow when you start getting under 8c to 0c at night then they can stop the roots can hold some heat as long as the water don`t freeze your normally ok

And vegging with 3000k or 2700k cfl`s is still ok, 5000k is better if your fussy and running loads of them but you`ll get more par from the warm cfl`s anyway

I hear you about the price of seeds its why I get mine wholesale

Why pay £30 to £60 for a pack of ten I normally just order 500 or so from a breeder and get them much cheaper then split them with someone else, I`ve paid under 50 euro cents per fem`d seed before and got 80 to 100% germination and no males from any of them ones

But It does limit your selection so sometimes I pick up a 10 pack or 2 of something else from a good seed bank that throws in freebies for me to try too

Auto NLXBig bud.... I did one of them a few years back put it in cos a plant was male, body was it a fast one finished up about the same time as some auto AK`s that had been started long enough before that I new one was male

But that being said I`ve seen autos sex 5 days after the seed went into the ground

To get your tent cool you want to suck air into the tent from low down so its cool but get some kinda filter on the air going in so you don`t blow a load of bugs and such into there

Low down or a source from outside any cool fresh feeling air, nice if its not too humid too the plants normally get a tent pretty humid

But you want to measure your temps at canopy and at soil level

Canopy level you want to peak at 30c but if you have airflow and low humidity you can sometimes get away with 40c and if your co2 levels are good some people can go hotter than that

Rootzone you want your root zone around 20c, 21c is pretty much perfect for your rootzone, a bit warmer if your cloning or germinating and it can go up a bit during the day and down a bit at night but really you want your rootzone around 21c it can drop down to 12c at night but try to keep it over that closer to 16/18c

As water holds air better up to around 21c so I like to try and keep my rootzone below 22c

I used to run hydro and I know how rotten water with roots and food in it can get in a short time if it gets over 22c`ish and stays there and you get unlucky, you get slime, rot, mold and bacteria start growing big time

But keep on as you are Buddy you seem to be getting the hang of things, it`s always hard to not spend out on better equipment because you always want to grow better and bigger buds


Well-Known Member
I put them in regular water no PhD water in cool dark area until the tap root is 1/4- 1/2 inch then plant it in soil no more then 1/4 in solo or small cups keep it watered and moist and make sure light is close like 8-14 inches which will pretty much be like a heating pad but not too much heat to damage them and keep the room at least 70°-74


Just out of interest guys and girls,

How safe are photo's on here? I've seen people post full reports of grows up and stuff, I've just heard something about photo's being traceable to a location (not sure how true that is)

Also is it faster growing in a DWC than just in soil? Only reason I ask is another fella on here put a full grow report up of his Dinafem WW auto, the photo of his on day 3 looks like mine on day 7 and he's only using a single 23w 6500k CFL instead of the 600w dual spec hps, I imagine the spectrum of his makes vegging faster? Just didn't know if the DWC was the reason for rapid growth.

Thanks people


Well-Known Member
Just out of interest guys and girls,

How safe are photo's on here? I've seen people post full reports of grows up and stuff, I've just heard something about photo's being traceable to a location (not sure how true that is)
Going off what I was told when I asked, they are safe enough. But as a precaution turn off location in your phone and also download a metadata app and check it hasn't saved your location on the photos data, most metadata apps you can remove information if needed and there are free ones for andoid and iOS that work. It sounds complicated but it's really not. If you upload a picture, message me and I'll check if location is appearing up. That is of course if your using a phone or tablet. I imagine it to be the same if your using a camera and PC, would guess it's just a programme you install to remove the data.


Thanks TopDog my phone camera is flickering with the hps so I'm going to use a different one when I can. I've had a think, please give your 100% honest opinions..

I'm going to ask the guy at the hydro shop if I can swap the 600w hps for a 250w Blue CFL I think, spoke to him earlier, really sound guy, told me to put the thermometer at the top of the tent out of direct light and it still read at 33'C/91'F so way too hot considering the light is nearly at the top of the 2m tent, the pot is 31cm tall and the sprout is about an inch and a half, if it's showing signs of heat stress now (the little blade-like jaggered edges of the only two main leaves are slightly curled up) Then you can only imagine what problems I'm going to run into when this thing starts getting any taller and when the weather starts getting warmer, plus it'll likely stretch as it's far away, I genuinely cannot make it any cooler without running an intake duct from outside which being completely honest is not going to happen, I live in a flat which is bad enough. The CFL does cost a little more so I may have to pay a little extra and buy a small 125w Red as I've already got 156w of 2700k CFL's but i'd easily save the extra i paid in leccy, I'd also have zero heat issues I imagine, none if not very little stretching as it's closer and I imagine the plant to prefer the two specific spectrums rather than a dual spectrum.

Do you guys think it makes sense to do this?

And baring in mind this WW is an auto if I did do this would the change of spectrums from going from a dual spec to 'proper' 6500k blue effect anything? I know it's still a duel spectrum but there's no doubt about it, hps' are yellow/red as hell and I woulden't want anything to mess up, I've wasted enough on leccy and seeds lol

Really hope I've made some sence


Well-Known Member
if your going to buy a cfl your better off getting a 300w, 600w, 900w or 1200w led panel instead

On a budget hps is probably the best way to go, as long as the root zone is under 25c you should be fine with good airflow


Thanks man I did look at a 300w led panel but it was like 70 and I am on a little bit of a budget I guess, it will be about 370ish in gear i will have spent so far so I REALLY need to make this work for the time being lol I'm really not expecting the grade A frosty dank i'll be well happy with just something that does the job until i can learn more. Like I said the worry both me and my hydro guy have is the fact it's almost burning and it's as far away as possible, a little niffed he sold me 'everything you need' to then have to buy more but I guess it's my fault slightly for not being able to do the proper multiple room ventilation or even better ventilation from outside. I live in a one bedroom flat so every room is small as it is, it's in the biggest room out of them all and even with tent fully zipped it heats the room from my standard room temp (16'c) to 24'c, every 4 hours-ish I unzip the doors to let heat out of the tent, close it up then leave the room door open for the warmer air to escape a bit but it only helps the tent temperature by a couple degrees at the most, I'm really hoping a 250w blue CFL for veg and 281w of red will suffice for now, until i get 'proper' ventilation maybe if I move to a house or something.
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