The Bigger The Buds The Better


Well-Known Member
whats on londoner mate yea im all good mate cheerz for askin...yourself?
n yea i did have a couple of oxy pots but i found it hard to keep the clone/babies alive so i give it up!! soils the way for me mate... less work:-o
Yep im good mate ta, i went from hydro to organic compost growing years ago and never looked back, yields arent so great and its a little slower but the taste and high is far superior to hydro bud, check my journal man, got some cheese (bbc) and nl5 x haze mist on the go in soil.

Give westlands west+ multi purpose compost with added john innes a try from ya local B&Q or Homebase, it knocks socks off canna, bio-bizz and plagron composts at less than half the price. its a bit too hot for seeds n cuts tho so be carefull with it.


Well-Known Member
lol whats on cheetah dude..:-P

oh and nice one londoner i do need some new soil man mines looking abit shabby lol

oh yea im about to diy myself some solid/dirt bar...
i knew i kept the trim for summin lol
i will post man and tell ya all how it goes..if good then maybe even a few


Well-Known Member
k so its five to two in the and my hash just hit the gona let it cool for bout half n hour n then update...

i dont think its gona be all smelled funky as wen it came out the oven:-(


Well-Known Member
k so its two in the and my hash just hit the gona let it cool for bout half n hour n then update...

i dont think its gona be all smelled funky as wen it came out the oven:-(


Well-Known Member
ok so here it is this is what i was left taste abit rank but its doin the job..if u know what i mean:bigjoint:

for those of you who is thinkin how i done was easy as hell...
so i had loads of dry left over leafs and stalks so i slapped the shit ina

blender got it dusty as hell and then put it through my grinder trich cather after that i put it ina see through plasic bag not a cheap ass asda bag

cause i think its abit thin to go in the oven use a sandwich bag like i did tape it shut so its really really tight then slap some newspaper over it and

tape that shit real tight to then soak the newspaper that you just wrapped in warm water..and slap in he oven on 175-c for 10 mins then rolling pin the

bitch stick it in the fridge and there you go... sounds like alot of work but only took me like 15 mins...
and im high as fuk lol as you can prob tell from my blabbing:lol:



Well-Known Member
LOL - well done UK, looks awesome mate. And only 15 minutes too, I might give that a go. Between you getting me making hash and bobtokes getting me baking I shouldn't have too much wastage when it comes to chop time LOL. Thanks for the how-to and pics mate, appreciate it. Catch you later UK ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL - well done UK, looks awesome mate. And only 15 minutes too, I might give that a go. Between you getting me making hash and bobtokes getting me baking I shouldn't have too much wastage when it comes to chop time LOL. Thanks for the how-to and pics mate, appreciate it. Catch you later UK ;)

Ever tried BHO Greenbehemoth? :lol: this shit blows your head off!!



Well-Known Member
Yea thats my own oil mate, theres two different batches there.

Each bit made from about 25g of trim and lower fluffy popcorn bud + two cans of gas on each run.

I extract while the trim/bud is still semi wet, only grind it a minimal amount and i only use leaves that are heavily laden with trichomes.

You get less this way but its of finest quality, true honey oil mate.


Well-Known Member
Nice one Londoner, thanks for the info. I've got lots to think about before I harvest - baking, hash, oil - haha. I think I'm going to be busy ;)


Well-Known Member
No worries man, i kick myself at the amount of trim i used to throw away before i started doing shit with it.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I'm sure a lot of good material gets dumped every day Londoner. bobtokes was telling me a friend of his bakes with her plants and uses every part of them in the process. Waste not want not ... and as I said to bobtokes, "sounds like my kinda woman" LOL.


Well-Known Member
lol bob wtf is that dude looks like i wana try it though man so howd ya do it buddie?:lol:

and indeed waste not want not.... i'll have it!!
o my solid was ok man but a little to dark for me man i think i go to much veg through my weed was dry as shit so thas why... im gona use a big fat bud next time.. still a little damp but not to much... i already started my little collection of triches so im well away


Well-Known Member
elo everyone i got a bunch of cuttings today n thought of this site for the first time in ages.. my cuttings are ice and skunk 1.. already rooted so im a happy bunny will try n put some pics up some time soon.. hows eveyone else doing? did ya all have a nice xmas? oh happy new year :-P


Well-Known Member
kk heres a little taster but they look abit droopy cause i repotted em today 2 cause they was in real small pots... these are all ice's!! skunks are babies still will post em up in a few



Well-Known Member
elo everyone i got a bunch of cuttings today n thought of this site for the first time in ages.. my cuttings are ice and skunk 1.. already rooted so im a happy bunny will try n put some pics up some time soon.. hows eveyone else doing? did ya all have a nice xmas? oh happy new year :-P
:weed:hello m8 how the bloody hell are you, happy xmas and have a fantastic new year, made my own seeds, crossed thc bomb with bubblegum, called bubblebomb.


Well-Known Member
sup londoner and del yea im all good man i jus give up growin for abit... wasnt long lol xmas was ok i spose same as every outher year!! i hates it lol