The BubbleHead Gang


New Member
When and if you see males they are easy enough to cut out of the system. You can cut the male out and up to half of the adjoining female and she won't even notice and may like the extra room. You can't go by size of the plant because different strains graw at different rates at different times and with bag seed you just don't know what to expect. Each plant is perfectly capable of getting all the nutes it needs.

Now with the 18 gallon you really will have no problem with them robbing from each other. If the roots are deep in the water you don't need anything going to the netpots. I remove my feeder tubes when I switch to 12/12 but it can be done much earlier.I'm gonna try removing the pump at 12/12 also this next grow. Might just replace it with another air stone. I can run up to four to each res easily with my set up.


New Member
Would't worry about a hermie just yet. If it does happen then you can remove it then and have a hash oil party! Hermies are either genetic or tough grow conditions and we can eliminate one of those. Wonder Woman is mainly skunk from what I've read and skunk is one of the more stable genes. My current favorite, LSD, is Skunk and Mazar and it's stable and long lasting like the strain guide says.


Well-Known Member
yeah im getting fem seeds thinkin about growing 3 at a time next time it gets crowded fast oh i will make sure TO WASH MY HYDROTONS NEXT GROW


New Member
3 sounds about right. I'm going 4 corners next grow and my strain branches a lot. Did two last time and it filled the space up pretty well. I'm going to be a pot tipping, supercropping fool! LOL! Sounds like a lesson learned on the hydrotron! LOL! I have a big ass colander my Grndma used for jelly when I was a kid loaded with hydrotron that stay in the shower for about 1/2 hour before use and I also reuse hydrotron after a good bath in florakleen and a trip to the shower.


Well-Known Member
Would't worry about a hermie just yet. If it does happen then you can remove it then and have a hash oil party! Hermies are either genetic or tough grow conditions and we can eliminate one of those. Wonder Woman is mainly skunk from what I've read and skunk is one of the more stable genes. My current favorite, LSD, is Skunk and Mazar and it's stable and long lasting like the strain guide says.

just got a batch of the LSD its really nice check my thread im gonna do a smoke report


New Member
I guess I'll join the gang since it seems to be the kewl thing to do. kiss-ass check out my last grow here

and my new journal will be in my sig shortly.:joint::peace:


Elite Rolling Society
Question is Do the roots growing together and wrapping themselves up with the other plants cause any problems if one of the mystery strains are male? The wonder woman is feminized. can they become the same? or drain the other somehow? Just a crazy question but you never know.
No problem at all, you just cut that male out and take some female root with it, to get it all. The female will not slow down any.


Elite Rolling Society
I am using aan 18 gallon tub for 4 plants in flower. I decided not to use a pump and run hoses to each basket cuz i figure the spray of bubbles and roots being in the water there is no need. should be fine right?

It will work, but grow much slower.


Elite Rolling Society
I guess I'll join the gang since it seems to be the kewl thing to do. kiss-ass check out my last grow here

and my new journal will be in my sig shortly.:joint::peace:

I was looking at my RIU FRIENDS list the other day and thought about you. You sure learned how to grow some pretty plants. Welcome to the BubbleHeads, glad you joined us. We are teachers and helpers here. You'll be a great one too.


Active Member
ok bubble heads i need your help ive run into my first prob so far. my leaves are all growing real well except they all grow out and hook straight down. they curl really hard and i cant hardly find any info on why? thanks for the help guys
Your roots look like they're in poor shape, and it looks like they aren't taking up oxygen and your plants are basically drowning to me. A gradual ph rise is normal, but the ph spikes you speak of are the first signs of dead organic material and pathogens in your res. This is one of the reasons I don't use ph down in the res; all you are doing is treating the symptom, not the problem. In a balanced system the ph should remain relatively stable without need for constant ph up/down adjustments IMO.

First off, I believe the Humboldt Master nutes are organic? Are you using H2O2? There are various beneficials in organic nutes that take care of dead organic material and nasties in the reservoir, and if you kill them with H2O2 you'll have problems.

Second, what's your water temp? Any light leaks in the Res? What does it smell like when you lift the lid on the res?


New Member

I was looking at my RIU FRIENDS list the other day and thought about you. You sure learned how to grow some pretty plants. Welcome to the BubbleHeads, glad you joined us. We are teachers and helpers here. You'll be a great one too.

chya buddy Roseman you inspired me to come around and join the bubble heads I mean why the hell not its how I grow and its damn effective! yea I learned pretty fast last time and now I'm gonna apply some of that know how to this next crop. if I need help I know where to ask and anyone can jam a private message or swing by my journal if they need me.


Well-Known Member
Here's my Blue Kush 4 weeks into flower. Roots are still going nuts. PPM's at 1100, res temp 71F, Room Temp 72F, RH55%.



New Member
nicely done mate..

so what are peoples favorite additives for DWC?

I think mycorrhizae supplements with kelp are really effective.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Keeping them in there. I have serious height restrictions and moving them would only make them bigger and move them closer to the light. But the last grow was in the same tub with great results. For nutrients I use GH Flora series with Liquid Koolbloom and Blackstrap molasses. Set to a 1100-1200ppm range in RO water with a ppm of under 10.