"the church" outdoors


Well-Known Member
has anyone grown "the church" (greenhouse seeds), outdoors? was it a good producer? and how was the quality of the smoke? I'm just trying to get a plan for next year. i thought maybe this would be a good strain for me since i'm in the deep south and humidity is always high. they say it very mold resistant. Any comments are welcome, or other recommendations for large producing, somewhat mold resistant, outdoor strains. i'm relatively new to outdoor growing and would like to find a strain that is great under that giant hps in the sky.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Strains from any tropical area would be good for you, and I have not seen a strain in 30 years that did not do better outside then inside. Allways bigger with more resin. Indoors you can force the issue with a lot of expensive products. But you cant improve on God! The problem with some indoor strains growing outdoors is timing. Some indoor plants get confused with the natural light cycle. For example you dont plant OG, Bubba or PPP outside till July or it will start flowering in April-May then go back to Veg before they finish then back to flower again. It waste a lot of plant energy and the yeilds will suffer. So start with a good outdoor strain and experiment with some of the others. Its the only way to find out unless you ask and someone knows? Good Luck and stay dry. If you can in the South?


New Member
I've got her going outdoors now. Easy grow, great resin and high yield. The only problem I have had was taking cuttings from an indoor run. Not one rooted.

My Indoor run turned a nice shade of purple. The outdoor now Is starting to turn purple.

Very hard Hitting high from my Indoor run.

Cant go wrong with this strain.
