The founding fathers wrote on hemp


Well-Known Member
Yes sir this fact is indeed 100% true. The Constitution of the great United States of America is in fact a document made out of 100% hemp fiber. The Federalist papers were also made out of hemp. Thomas Paine's famous "Common Sense" is also made out of hemp. Hemp can be recycled 5-10 times more than regular wood pulp paper. Obviously hemp is far less labor intensive to cultivate than trees. Thomas Jefferson and Geroge Washington used to give each other gifts of hemp leaves. George Washington said he preferred a pipe of hemp leaves to alcohol anyday. Thomas Jefferson farmed enourmous quantities of hemp. The word "canvas" is in fact derived from the word "Cannabis". Hemp farming was absolutely CRUCIAL Go back and re-read your constitution ladies and gentlemen, read it from the perspective of the founding fathers who without question were well aware of the properties of hemp and supported it dearly.


Well-Known Member
yup it was, all paper was made from hemp in the old days, ive read a few articles saying that ALOT of everyday item used to be made from hemp until ye olde goverments got after ye olde spondoolees


Well-Known Member
ye and notice the papers r still intact? we got papers now from wood that were from less time back and there
all fall aparty ( lol i made up tthat word)


Well-Known Member
i was told that the first ford was made on a hemp frame because it has 10x the impact strenth of steel at half the weight also henry ford predicted all cars to be made this way in the furture
even tho i didnt happen:cry:


Well once upon a time in 1776 Thomas Jefferson signed his name on a piece of marijuana, and this document was a symbol of freedom and of liberty, at least for the rich, white, gentry. And time marched along, this plant that I referred to has been used for everything from medicine to the American flag. And now it seems to me that somewhere along the way things got messed up, yeah, messed up, for marijuana.