The fuck cats thread


Active Member
Im sure cats are more slick, can get awesome places, and are better at surviving. But you put any dog in the world up against a cat, and the dogs goin down. The cats ansestor is lion and tiger etc... try putting a tiger up agaianst any dog in the world. I like both, but i honestly dont know hy people hate cats so much
I like your thinking, and I do agree to a point... but I wouldnt say any dog.. Put a cat up against a rottweiler that was bread for fighting.. you know.. the ones that throw tires around with their mouths...


Active Member
I like your thinking, and I do agree to a point... but I wouldnt say any dog.. Put a cat up against a rottweiler that was bread for fighting.. you know.. the ones that throw tires around with their mouths...
yeah thats true

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
why do you need an animal to protect you? :?

little men need big dogs. ;)

Bullshit my dog protects my property when I am sleeping/or away. I guarantee noone comes onto my property at night. Most won't get out of their cars during the day. Even ppl. who have been here a-lot. We had an armed felon hiding in my small community not so long ago. He was pulled over by state patrol. He fled on foot before the cop got out of the car. This guy ran right by my house I have several buildings and such to hide in. He tried breaking in to one of my neighbors house and was run off. They ended up catching him hiding in a neighbors garage. I believe the only reason he did not hide in my building/s is coz of my Big dog.

I'll take a dog over a gun any day. I like guns too tho.:bigjoint:

we do have 4 cats to tho, and only one of em is cool. none of em will scare away an intruder, and occasionally shit on the floor. My dog has never shit on the floor.


New Member
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My little girls don't seem to notice they are different at all.. Hey both go outside together, and both come when their names are called... I think dogs and cats rock. And suck. Dogs are stupid and cats are bitchy.gotta love them both.

that's only what the brochure says. Everyone knows that old people go to nursing homes to die. Sorry to bust that myth on you... Sad story ends sadly.
They go to live out their lives because they cannot take care of themselves what I meant.

And every animal had it's flaws obviously and every animal is smart in there own way, to call dogs stupid or even stupider than cats would be unfair, and vise versa.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you meant by this, but FDD was on the cat's side.

This thread is a fail lol, think maybe only 2 people have actually posted some stories.
Yeah I know FDD is into cats. I believe his are indoor/outdoor.
I was just using his "this right here" example. I don't own a cat nor would I ever get one but I coexist fine with one when I spend time at my lady's house. That fucker will just shit on the floor sometimes and I get to clean it up because my lady will be at work and the smell of cat shit is just the worst to me. Just don't dig cats...


Well-Known Member
I used my cat as a pillow the other night for at least two hours; it was awesome.

I live my life by two simple letters...and...err..a number: C4L

That's right. Cats 4 Lyfe.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you meant by this, but FDD was on the cat's side.

This thread is a fail lol, think maybe only 2 people have actually posted some stories.
Agree with you on the failed thread part.

Here's a nice kitty story. My buddy has 4 cats. He's somewhat of a hoarder as was his wife till she left him with the 4 cats and all her shit/junk last year. His cats have scratched his eyes and sent him to the hospital at least twice with a bite and scratches and have taken over his house . One seems to shit and piss wherever it pleases. It's lovely, unfortunately (for me) I help him out because he has fused discs and rods in his back and is a childhood bro. The smell of a house taken over by cats is disgusting. Now I know it's not the cats fault his house is disgusting but they are indoor cats. That's a whole lot of cat piss and cat shit in a house, just gross.


Well-Known Member
I used my cat as a pillow the other night for at least two hours; it was awesome.

I live my life by two simple letters...and...err..a number: C4L

That's right. Cats 4 Lyfe.
I'd be sneezing and eyes would be watering all night if I tried that.


Well-Known Member
Cats fight off ghosts, so thats cool. I'm allergic to the fuckers though. I have a few cats. My cats are cool, but fuck everybody else's cats for making my eyelids flip inside out. I hate when people have house cats.


Well-Known Member
Cats fight off ghosts, so thats cool. I'm allergic to the fuckers though. I have a few cats. My cats are cool, but fuck everybody else's cats for making my eyelids flip inside out. I hate when people have house cats.
well they are fucking with the genes of cats so pretty soon there may be a hypoallergenic cat.


New Member

A 12-week-old puppy has miraculously overcome a harrowing
ordeal and survived being locked inside an impounded car for nearly
a month.

The Kansas City, Mo., animal shelter now caring for the terrier and
schnauzer mix they’ve named Kia said she survived by eating trash
left in the car from a McDonald’s restaurant. However, she apparently
did not have access to water, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

A car lot worker spotted Kia on Monday. Danny Rotert, spokesman
for the Kansas City municipal government, said the employee was
tagging cars for auction when Kia jumped on top of the dashboard of
the Chevy Suburban in which she was trapped. The lot attendant
then called the police, who broke into the impounded vehicle to
rescue her. The vehicle had been sitting in the lot since April 8.

The Kansas City Star reports that on May 1, the owner of the vehicle,
who has not been publicly named, showed up to inspect the car.
However, he reportedly made no mention of owning a dog.
Authorities say they are not sure if the man was actually in
possession of the vehicle when it was impounded and noted that he
did not have keys to access the vehicle when he visited the lot.

An Arizona Republic article reports that dogs usually cannot go more
than two or three days without water and, as a general rule, require
twice as much water as food on any given day.

“Without an appreciable amount of water, it’s pretty miraculous for a
puppy to survive three weeks in a car,” veterinarian Billie Deam told
the Star. “Physiologically it’s possible, depending on what she was
eating to survive on,” she added. “But it’s really stretching the outer
limits of what’s possible.”

Animal shelter spokeswoman Toni Fugate says Kia is expected to
survive, but is currently recovering from severe dehydration and

While Kia won’t be fully healed for some time, the Kansas Pet Project
says it is working on finding a foster home for her once she is ready
to leave the shelter.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid I had this cat that my Dad loved to mess with. One day she got a infected sliver in her paw, so My Dad decided to soak her paw in Epsom Salts.
So here's Dad semi sitting on the cats head, holding it's paw in the Epsom salts, the cat's back there chewing the shit out of Dads wallet and she finally gets off to the side and bites Dad right square in the ass. Dad screams like a school girl and lets go of the cat. The cat proceeds to climb up Dads back and jumped off his shoulder leaving bloody paw prints up his back. I thought I was gonna die laughing at Dad.