The Gospels


Well-Known Member
According to Matthew...shit I can't read Hebrew...
According to Mark...Just rewrite The Oddysey...
According to Luke...I better reconcile everything Matthew and Mark got wrong...
According to John...contradict the other Gospels and Synoptics...

So how can I be Christian, if I have no reliable source to learn about this messiah?


Well-Known Member
It's called Faith, brother. You gotta have Faith...
Any smart minded man may take note that only about 98 percent of RIU is full of brainwashed NWO zombies, by products of their MTVs and their JackAss movie shows. Faith, it is NOT something that you buy or sell. If you have faith in the Devil and death, then you or anyone will burn someday. It is simple. Be blind, be with the Devil. Ill pray for the dudes that don't want to believe that faith is real. Stop referring to Santa Clause and The Easterbunny, that is childish simpleton behavior and I don't give two shits about those sort of comments. tyler durden and I know what faith is. I also know a lot of people are riding the devil's dick to hell, but you all are not there yet. There is still time to snap out of your mockery of faith and be had a fulfilling life without STDs and Welfare and other maladies of the fallen man. Choose a side. The side of dumbassery is actually with the devil. Don't believe all those films that show the Devil as a personification that is to be desired for one's own lifestyle. Grow up now, spiritually anyway. You don't need a magic coloring book to guide your silly ass to salvation, so don't make me LOL :roll::wink::wink:


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess this is true...

Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing... Poe's Law

Guess which one of us this applies to, me or CO?


Active Member
Chronic Obsession: The self appointed apostle to RIU and voluntary advocate of deluded, human douchery has spoken. (mudminer sighs)


Well-Known Member
organised facts have no place in religion - "If it be necessary, therefore, as it appears, that the heavenly kingdom be made up of men, and this cannot be effected unless the aforesaid satisfaction be made, which none but God can make and none but man ought to make, it is necessary for the God-man to make it :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Any smart minded man may take note that only about 98 percent of RIU is full of brainwashed NWO zombies, by products of their MTVs and their JackAss movie shows. Faith, it is NOT something that you buy or sell. If you have faith in the Devil and death, then you or anyone will burn someday. It is simple. Be blind, be with the Devil. Ill pray for the dudes that don't want to believe that faith is real. Stop referring to Santa Clause and The Easterbunny, that is childish simpleton behavior and I don't give two shits about those sort of comments. tyler durden and I know what faith is. I also know a lot of people are riding the devil's dick to hell, but you all are not there yet. There is still time to snap out of your mockery of faith and be had a fulfilling life without STDs and Welfare and other maladies of the fallen man. Choose a side. The side of dumbassery is actually with the devil. Don't believe all those films that show the Devil as a personification that is to be desired for one's own lifestyle. Grow up now, spiritually anyway. You don't need a magic coloring book to guide your silly ass to salvation, so don't make me LOL :roll::wink::wink:
you have a lot to learn youngster .


Well-Known Member
According to Matthew...shit I can't read Hebrew...
According to Mark...Just rewrite The Oddysey...
According to Luke...I better reconcile everything Matthew and Mark got wrong...
According to John...contradict the other Gospels and Synoptics...

So how can I be Christian, if I have no reliable source to learn about this messiah?
Im a Christian and I can tell you those gospels are reliable.


Well-Known Member
Chronic Obsession: The self appointed apostle to RIU and voluntary advocate of deluded, human douchery has spoken. (mudminer sighs)
Technically he was responding to another person whom is attacking Christianity.
I agape brother CO and hope that you and others might see the light before its too late.


Active Member
Technically he was responding to another person whom is attacking Christianity.I agape brother CO and hope that you and others might see the light before its too late.
Technically, I got that. Actually, he might stand a better chance of having his "message of light" understood let alone accepted if it wasnt so well cloaked in dark, demeaning, assinine, nonsensical, human douchery. Now why wouldnt you just say that you love Chronny instead of hiding behind the Greek word used for common brotherly love? Are you showing off or were you afraid there might be some confusion? Just askin.


Well-Known Member
The word fits and I use it now and then instead of luv when refering to christian brothers and sisters. We are called to love one another and society today has managed to change the meaning of words in many cases.
If I was to tell you I love you, you or someone listening might think I love you in a I wanna jump your bones kinda way, but when I say Agape you know exactly what sort of love I am talking about.
And another reason is love has been on my mind the past week. I found a dog and took her in and I already love her. She is a great dog.

Mind if I ask you a question?
What have Christians done to you or your loved ones that has caused you to advocate against them in a pot forum?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...hmm, one question. Is the rest of the world (non-believers) not full of douchebaggery? People point that out about christians like it doesn't happen anywhere else. What's the point? Dckheads are dckheads - thankfully there are people who aren't this way (both atheists and believers alike). times it looks as though the ones taking things too literally are those trying to make arguments against something. So, which side will stop doing that first? *oh my, doesn't this whole deal start to look like the arguments between a man and a woman after a while...



Active Member
The word fits and I use it now and then instead of luv when refering to christian brothers and sisters. We are called to love one another and society today has managed to change the meaning of words in many cases.If I was to tell you I love you, you or someone listening might think I love you in a I wanna jump your bones kinda way, but when I say Agape you know exactly what sort of love I am talking about.And another reason is love has been on my mind the past week. I found a dog and took her in and I already love her. She is a great dog.Mind if I ask you a question?What have Christians done to you or your loved ones that has caused you to advocate against them in a pot forum?
Gee, where to start? All anyone needs to do to answer that question is look through some of Chronic Posessions recent posts in this section. While claiming to represent someone with a reputation for accepting outcasts and the "undesired" of a community CO just doesnt provide a very good example. (Im really not trying to draw paralells toward RIU members here.) Jesus would more often than not chose these very kinds of people to spend time with in His wanderings. And give them hope. I would daresay that the venomous attitude and demeaning nature shown by Chronny is a bit absurd for most christians and certanly shows no acceptance and offers no hope. However, I have spent considerable time among christians and seen their hypocritical natures and tendencies. I certainly dont attribute this conduct to all, but certainly the majority. No other group Im aware of whose company that I have stated that I prefer to theirs, feels the need to judge or belittle (certainly not demonize and comdemn) any of the other groups. No, not even christians. Nor do they feel some compulsion to push their beliefs on others. I believe christianity began as an organism. Each individual part of the organism using his/her specific talents and abilities to help others for the betterment of the whole. Which in my mind is somthing worthy of being promoted and even attractive to others which might be why the movement grew so rapidly at first. But, as things began to get organised, the "agape" towards those not part of the group got lost and eventually the organism turned into individual organizations with primary focus on getting its members to tithe properly, encouraging their members to proselytize others so that they can be coerced to tithe properly. Lets face it, every orgaizations primary goal is a nice fat black bottom line. None want to pool their resources and "get together" for the betterment of anything. "What? Us work with them? How could that possibly work? My God, they dont like the same kind of music we do." Yeah. No. Dont push that confused mess on people. Certainly dont use hateful, maniacal rantings to encourage people of what a blessing it would be to their life. It really doesnt come off of as something to be desired. The funniest thing is when christians seem to forget that the people they may be witnessing to actually know them in their day to day lives and now here they are telling others of the preferential treatment they can expect simply because of a blief they have that those being spoken to dont. The extent of the hypocrisy is really just laughable. Thats all Ima do for now. Maybe at some point I might get started on the "Word of Faith" manure. Maybe this helped you understand my feelings (maybe even those of some others as well).


Active Member
...hmm, one question. Is the rest of the world (non-believers) not full of douchebaggery? People point that out about christians like it doesn't happen anywhere else. What's the point? Dckheads are dckheads - thankfully there are people who aren't this way (both atheists and believers alike).:-?
It surely does. Douchebaggery comes in all makes and models. But when used in the context of an offer of a better way of life for someone it really doesnt supply a very compelling argument. Especially when your trying to use yourself as an example of what that better way has done in YOUR life.


Ursus marijanus
Technically, I got that. Actually, he might stand a better chance of having his "message of light" understood let alone accepted if it wasnt so well cloaked in dark, demeaning, assinine, nonsensical, human douchery. Now why wouldnt you just say that you love Chronny instead of hiding behind the Greek word used for common brotherly love? Are you showing off or were you afraid there might be some confusion? Just askin.
Technically the common brotherly love is philadelphia. Agape is unconditional heart-love. The remaining sort of love was served by the word eros. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
It surely does. Douchebaggery comes in all makes and models. But when used in the context of an offer of a better way of life for someone it really doesnt supply a very compelling argument. Especially when your trying to use yourself as an example of what that better way has done in YOUR life.

I think we're missing, and getting the point at the same time. If douchebaggery exists at all levels, your argument has no end. I think this means being able to accept that not knowing is a way to settle a person.'s what I can offer: A perspective - from experience. No one's driving an agenda. :-| I can't tell you to follow something I do. I wouldn't want to. I learn in silence like the rest of the world.

...I jump in here at times because normal, everyday people get harped on (upon :roll:) over something that is true to them. All that stuff does not put non-belief in any better of a light. I don't want to say people are stupid, or in any way less intellectually inclined in an effort to mock them. So why join the club? You wouldn't make good teachers. The only thing I see offered here in exchange for belief - is non-belief. Something for nothing.

nb: as if it wasn't obvious, I'm not saying all atheists think or act this way.