The Great Tennessee Marijuana Cave is a Site To See


Well-Known Member
OMG THIS IS WHERE I LIVE!!! NOt to far from it!!!!

Check this out::
-Look at the police car in the driveway!!

-This is an oldie but a goodie folks. Back in 2007 Law Enforcement officers made one of the best underground discoveries since well…probably tombs in the Egyptian periods.

Under that house in the picture above, is a marijuana grow-op unlike any you have ever seen. Within the caves of middle Tennessee, growers constructed a complex of offices, living quarters, restroom facilities, and a climate-controlled forest of over one thousand cannabis plants.

-So first you have to climb down 150 yards in this tunnel….

-Then you wind up in a concealed hydraulic rock escape hatch.

-Then you reach the open sesame steel door and……

-Watch your step on the way out.




Well-Known Member
oh boy... not this again! :) i gotta admit its pretty dam cool tho, but you gotta really be retarded to have such a sophisticated setup and still get caught


Well-Known Member
exactly...And the bad part is I heard they got bc they hooked up the electric to the neighbors house!!!! and also the guy running all this was running this all from Florida!!! ONLY WAY THE POLICE WOULD KNOW THAT((fucking snitches))


Active Member
wow, how the hell do you excavate and build that...yet you are so stupid to steal electric from the neighbor???....


Well-Known Member
hahahaha the ole weed cave i saw this sht on youtube what a jackass for fucking up the best grow-op ive evr seen!!!!


Well-Known Member
i've seen houses that come with bomb shelters like that.. this dude probably just decided to grow weed in the bomb shelter and when he realized how much power he would need he stole from the nearest source...
did anyone say that this was built specifically for growing?


Well-Known Member
i've seen houses that come with bomb shelters like that.. this dude probably just decided to grow weed in the bomb shelter and when he realized how much power he would need he stole from the nearest source...
did anyone say that this was built specifically for growing?
I'm wondering that same thing! Never thought about it like that!!!

I wonder how many years he was doing this!!