The great thermite debate.


Well-Known Member
Still, lol.


Not when they are hidden. I thought the idea of including a hyperlink was to make it obvious that there is a hyperlink.

With age comes wisdom. You might want to remember that, you might be old someday. Your disrespect for others only shows your lack of self respect.

respect isn't just given you need to earn it just cause your over the hill doesn't automatically mean i have to defer to you or to give you a little bit of slack when you being dumb and wetting yourself

i realize senility is a very serious problem for you old guys but when it starts getting that bad you should turn you attention to getting yourself a carer to make sure you dont oven bake your goldfish and water your telly. then they could make sure you arent dribbling when you do decide to post on here


Well-Known Member
when i have knocked down masonry a fuck load of dust gets everywhere

that video is of wtc 1 collapse

wtc 2 had already collapsed right next to it (hint that was during that very same day)
Did I miss something? Wasn't there 100's of tons of concrete inside of those buildings. Floors were all made of concrete I believe. It's been just over 10 years but I distinctly recall there being a lot of dust and twisted steel (as well as various other "stuff"). I'm really confused on the relevance of "dust" in those photos and just what this supposedly proves????? :-?

(I haven't had a whole lot of sleep in the past week so my mind isn't as sharp as it would normally be):eyesmoke:

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
respect isn't just given you need to earn it just cause your over the hill doesn't automatically mean i have to defer to you or to give you a little bit of slack when you being dumb and wetting yourself

i realize senility is a very serious problem for you old guys but when it starts getting that bad you should turn you attention to getting yourself a carer to make sure you dont oven bake your goldfish and water your telly. then they could make sure you arent dribbling when you do decide to post on here


Active Member
Does it really matter either way? We have had a dirty ratbastard government for a long time now. Thing is, many people my parents age (70's & 80's) are shocked by me even bringing up the subject of the USA having one of the dirtiest governments in the game.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6435698 said:
Does it really matter either way? We have had a dirty ratbastard government for a long time now. Thing is, many people my parents age (70's & 80's) are shocked by me even bringing up the subject of the USA having one of the dirtiest governments in the game.
Yes! Yes it does "matter either way"! When people make these allegations about a conspiracy without having all of the facts and ZERO expertise in building collapse or structural engineering, etc., it dishonors the memory of the thousands who died that day. The thing is, the majority of these "theories" are nothing more than half truths and sometimes are completely false. People want to make assumptions based on a few grainy pics or a few seconds of video, or some conspiracy blog on the internet, and act like they KNOW what really brought the towers down. Coincidences, no matter how bizarre or seemingly numerous, do not make for a conspiracy either. Governments do bad shit, there's no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean that every bad thing that happens is their doing, does it? For those of us who lost dear friends and loved ones that day, it does matter. It matters a whole lot!:joint:


Active Member
It does not matter, our government has killed way more than 3500 civilians before....... fact not conspiracy... read your history

Sorry for your loss, of course it matters to those directly affected but, conspiracy or fact will never be proven 100% either way. All I know is our government has been guilty of some atrocious shit before and will be again.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6435919 said:
It does not matter, our government has killed way more than 3500 civilians before....... fact not conspiracy... read your history

Sorry for your loss, of course it matters to those directly affected but, conspiracy or fact will never be proven 100% either way. All I know is our government has been guilty of some atrocious shit before and will be again.
Show me one government without innocent blood on their hands, JUST ONE! Look, I'm not defending the government, in fact I somewhat agree with you. I have read plenty of history and have participated in a fair bit of it as well. It may not be able to be proven one way or the other, but there is a lot of evidence supporting the official version and very little evidence and ZERO proof supporting the CT version. Again, I say, it may not matter to YOU, but it DOES matter to a whole lot of people, myself included. This happens to be a subject that I'm very passionate about, have a personal connection to and happen to have a bit of expertise (as well as personal experience) in this field. If it doesn't matter to you, I'm curious, why even post in this thread at all? A lot of threads on here don't "really matter one way or the other" to ME, but I don't attempt to belittle the fact that it matters to someone else. :?


Well-Known Member
Did I miss something? Wasn't there 100's of tons of concrete inside of those buildings. Floors were all made of concrete I believe. It's been just over 10 years but I distinctly recall there being a lot of dust and twisted steel (as well as various other "stuff"). I'm really confused on the relevance of "dust" in those photos and just what this supposedly proves????? :-?

(I haven't had a whole lot of sleep in the past week so my mind isn't as sharp as it would normally be):eyesmoke:
Absolutely, but neither the antenna array nor the outer steel girders are made of concrete, I think what Ginja wants to convey (poorly I might add) is that the dust broke the bonds of gravity and instead of falling to the ground went upwards and stuck itself to the metal antenna on a different building and it did all that against the wind.. Does that seem feasible?


Well-Known Member
Calling into question the facts of that day in no way diminishes the memory of those who were killed, if anything it makes it more relevant than ever. Don't hide behind the dead bodies of others as your defense to not call anything into question.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Yes! Yes it does "matter either way"! When people make these allegations about a conspiracy without having all of the facts and ZERO expertise in building collapse or structural engineering, etc., it dishonors the memory of the thousands who died that day. The thing is, the majority of these "theories" are nothing more than half truths and sometimes are completely false. People want to make assumptions based on a few grainy pics or a few seconds of video, or some conspiracy blog on the internet, and act like they KNOW what really brought the towers down. Coincidences, no matter how bizarre or seemingly numerous, do not make for a conspiracy either. Governments do bad shit, there's no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean that every bad thing that happens is their doing, does it? For those of us who lost dear friends and loved ones that day, it does matter. It matters a whole lot!:joint:
I watched in Plane sight. That was put together by the guy who used to do the Power Hour. He was on the news that day and told everyone to start recording with their VCR's (we used to have those) There is all footage of news clips on that video and there are fire fighters (the same ones everyone is saying we owe gratitude for being a first responder) OK... I Thank you.
Those same fire fighters distinctly say " there were explosions in that building that went Boom, boom,boom,boom,boom like, one right after the other"
Now that is not internet or half stories, that is an interview with the guys in the building! Along with a ton of other video from numerous other agencies that this particular host had received in the mail. Check it out, it will make you go Hmmm. Arsenio...


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, but neither the antenna array nor the outer steel girders are made of concrete, I think what Ginja wants to convey (poorly I might add) is that the dust broke the bonds of gravity and instead of falling to the ground went upwards and stuck itself to the metal antenna on a different building and it did all that against the wind.. Does that seem feasible?
what im trying to convey is that you'd have to be a fucking idiot to not think that its dust coming from the falling debris

now you might be a fucking idiot and not see it but thats neither here or there

DUST is a perfectly reasonable explanation now either you put up an equally plausible explanation or admit your wrong

put up or shut up


Well-Known Member
I watched in Plane sight. That was put together by the guy who used to do the Power Hour. He was on the news that day and told everyone to start recording with their VCR's (we used to have those) There is all footage of news clips on that video and there are fire fighters (the same ones everyone is saying we owe gratitude for being a first responder) OK... I Thank you.
Those same fire fighters distinctly say " there were explosions in that building that went Boom, boom,boom,boom,boom like, one right after the other"
Now that is not internet or half stories, that is an interview with the guys in the building! Along with a ton of other video from numerous other agencies that this particular host had received in the mail. Check it out, it will make you go Hmmm. Arsenio...
There was a lot of confusion that day and explosions are not all that uncommon in fires, especially large ones. The "Truthers" like to use comments and quotes which are taken out of context. I've talked to many of those same firemen who claimed to have heard explosions. I'm not doubting that they heard explosions, but what could those explosions have been? Det cord? Thermite? C-4? TNT? ANFO? RDX? Or............

Could transformers or other electrical equipment explain some of what the firemen saw and heard? What about an acre of concrete floor slamming into another? Would steel bolts snapping under tremendous tension make a pop or explosive sound? Assuming the towers weren't in the vacuum of space, we can be fairly safe to say the things I mentioned are good candidates to explain what the firemen heard. Even they think so...


Well-Known Member
I watched in Plane sight. That was put together by the guy who used to do the Power Hour. He was on the news that day and told everyone to start recording with their VCR's (we used to have those) There is all footage of news clips on that video and there are fire fighters (the same ones everyone is saying we owe gratitude for being a first responder) OK... I Thank you.
Those same fire fighters distinctly say " there were explosions in that building that went Boom, boom,boom,boom,boom like, one right after the other"
Now that is not internet or half stories, that is an interview with the guys in the building! Along with a ton of other video from numerous other agencies that this particular host had received in the mail. Check it out, it will make you go Hmmm. Arsenio...
you mean the miss quoted firemen?

I know I was with an officer from Ladder 146, a Lieutenant Evangelista, who ultimately called me up a couple of days later just to find out how I was. We both for whatever reason -- again, I don't know how valid this is with everything that was going on at that particular point in time, but for some reason I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-leve] flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought -- at that time I didn't know what it was. I mean, it could have been as a result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.
Q.: Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire was?
A: No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.
I don't know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building cowing down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever.

there was localized collapsing in towers before they went but not explosions from a building being demolished

heres a what a controlled demolition should sound like

now listen to these notice there arent any fucking explosions just the roar of the building tearing itself apart



Well-Known Member
Did I miss something? Wasn't there 100's of tons of concrete inside of those buildings. Floors were all made of concrete I believe. It's been just over 10 years but I distinctly recall there being a lot of dust and twisted steel (as well as various other "stuff"). I'm really confused on the relevance of "dust" in those photos and just what this supposedly proves????? :-?

(I haven't had a whole lot of sleep in the past week so my mind isn't as sharp as it would normally be):eyesmoke:
i dont know either nodrama is dancing around like a pleased pig in shit thinking he's got something "unexplainable" when the explanation is so fucking simple i almost want to claw my eyes out reading his fucking stupidity


Well-Known Member
i dont know either nodrama is dancing around like a pleased pig in shit thinking he's got something "unexplainable" when the explanation is so fucking simple i almost want to claw my eyes out reading his fucking stupidity
lol! I've been debating this stuff with people since shortly after 9/11, but I must say, this particular debate has been a real eye opener for me. I've noticed a pattern with the "Truthers" where they bring up some conspiracy theory and when someone else debunks it, they immediately move right onto the next "theory" without ever addressing the previously debunked theory! Or, they start with the insults, even though nobody else has insulted them. It seems like finding the "truth" is not the real focus. It seems to me they simply want to use this as an excuse to hate the government or blame them for all the world's ills. The psychology behind this whole phenomenon is quite fascinating to me.:bigjoint:


All I have to say is Operation North Bridge. To those who think the US would "never do such a thing"... think again, operation North Bridge will enlighten you as to the extreme corruption of the US.

What's interesting about 9/11, is that those who believe only a plane could of taken the towers down, never seem to be open to alternate ideas or plausibly, damning evidence. Such as...

-Why was there nano-thermite found in the dust of the trade towers - AKA an explosive?
-Why was there solid iron spheres in the dust of the trade towers - AKA the possible result of thermite or related compunds?
-Why was there an explosion in the lobby of one trade tower that killed multiple people, many minutes after the plane struck?

These are some of the questions that hard-heads refuse to acknowledge. I'm fully aware that a large plane could possibly take a building down on it's own, but some need to open their mind a bit.


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is Operation North Bridge. To those who think the US would "never do such a thing"... think again, operation North Bridge will enlighten you as to the extreme corruption of the US.

What's interesting about 9/11, is that those who believe only a plane could of taken the towers down, never seem to be open to alternate ideas or plausibly, damning evidence. Such as...

-Why was there nano-thermite found in the dust of the trade towers - AKA an explosive?
-Why was there solid iron spheres in the dust of the trade towers - AKA the possible result of thermite or related compunds?
-Why was there an explosion in the lobby of one trade tower that killed multiple people, many minutes after the plane struck?

These are some of the questions that hard-heads refuse to acknowledge. I'm fully aware that a large plane could possibly take a building down on it's own, but some need to open their mind a bit.
Who here is claiming the "U.S. would never do such a thing"? Repeatedly, I have said that conspiracies exist, but look at things that have been exposed in the past and compare a TRUE CONSPIRACY with what the "Truthers" are claiming about 9/11. Multiple theories, none of which have been proven, in fact, the vast majority of these "theories" have been debunked but the "Truthers":roll: refuse to acknowledge this evidence. I'm just going to link you to the home page of this really good site which fills in a lot of the blanks and puts things into context dealing with some of these claims that have been made about 9/11:


Well-Known Member
lol! I've been debating this stuff with people since shortly after 9/11, but I must say, this particular debate has been a real eye opener for me. I've noticed a pattern with the "Truthers" where they bring up some conspiracy theory and when someone else debunks it, they immediately move right onto the next "theory" without ever addressing the previously debunked theory! Or, they start with the insults, even though nobody else has insulted them. It seems like finding the "truth" is not the real focus. It seems to me they simply want to use this as an excuse to hate the government or blame them for all the world's ills. The psychology behind this whole phenomenon is quite fascinating to me.:bigjoint:
i've seen it said it gives them something to feel important about that they have "special knowledge" that us "sheeple" are too blind to see. it gives them the chanc to feel like some sort of warrior for the "truth" as they sit there entranced by the likes of alex jones

what gets me is they believe their government did something so heinous as to kill thousands of their own citizens yet all they can seem to do is moan on internet forums about it. while they carry on living their lives in the same country paying taxes to that same government literary doing nothing about it. if what they say really is the truth then i call all of them weak feeble COWARDS who are too scared to move away from the "evilness" that is their country let alone do anything about it

and i love the people jumping into this thread with snippits of theories they been nursing for years

and enter stage right :)
All I have to say is Operation North Bridge. To those who think the US would "never do such a thing"... think again, operation North Bridge will enlighten you as to the extreme corruption of the US.

What's interesting about 9/11, is that those who believe only a plane could of taken the towers down, never seem to be open to alternate ideas or plausibly, damning evidence. Such as...

-Why was there nano-thermite found in the dust of the trade towers - AKA an explosive?
-Why was there solid iron spheres in the dust of the trade towers - AKA the possible result of thermite or related compunds?
-Why was there an explosion in the lobby of one trade tower that killed multiple people, many minutes after the plane struck?

These are some of the questions that hard-heads refuse to acknowledge. I'm fully aware that a large plane could possibly take a building down on it's own, but some need to open their mind a bit.
cant you even get the name of your really bad conspiracy right? have you even researched it or did you just over hear it from some drunk down the bar??

Operation Northwoods

no thermite was found at 911
iron spheres are also a result of wielding or the result of hot fires