The Great War On Mites (Truly American Situation)


Active Member
This is a continuation of my last thread be sure to look at this after you go through this thread.

Most of the mites are gone, but i'm sure they are still there kind of like insurgents, but neem really can suppress them enough to where they are not even noticible.

Here is the updated video:

Now that the mites are out of the way and iv'e got hydro down to a T, i'm out to master soil.

My new wave of soil plants were looking fairly great, however i've noticed that they are now getting rust spots. I'm using black gold potting soild and the only fert i'm giving them is 5ml to 1gallon of Botanicare Liquid Karma weekly and foliar fed with same concentration every 3 days. Could it be overwatering or ph issues. When I use the neem spray I also add 1tsp of Dawn to 3 gallons of solution in order to disperse the oil in water. Also jfyi, all plants exceeding 6 weeks into flower are only sprayed with water.

Here is a couple pics.

Feel free to praise or harass.


Well-Known Member
just buy a hot shots no pest strip and hang it in there when the fans are off ,,, , war over


Active Member
Here is the tutorial on treating spider mites.


Neem Oil
5 Gallon Bucket
1 liter spray bottle

Step 1: Knockdown
Start off by mixing up your pyrethrine in a 5 gallon bucket using four gallons of water ; mix well.
Dip all your plants in the solution for around 10 seconds and remember to lightly shake them.
Pull em out and let em dry.
After seven days mix up you azatrol in a five gallon bucket with four gallons of water and dont forget to use 1tsp of Dawn to disperse the oil; mix well.
Repeat dipping procedure and mix in between dips.
Alternate between azatrol and pyrethrine for the next 3-4 weeks.
+++++++++++++++++never treat plants that are more than six weeks into flower++++++++++++

Step 2: Supression (Possible Eradication)

Stop using Pyrethrine and Azatrol treatments.
Take you spray bottle and mix your neem oil according to products specifications and add 1-2 drops of DAWN soap to disperse the oil in the water.
Shake well.
Spray all plants and shake bottle in between plants.
When spraying plants, remember to spray both the top and underside of all leaves to ensure you have treated to entire surface of the plant. Repeat every 14 Days for ever.


Well-Known Member
nice set up. interesting that you are going from hydro to soil, most people go the other way. i grow in soil and have used botanicare nutes also. i like the liquid karma but never used it by itself i always used a grow or a bloom with it. also 5 ml / gallon seems like a small amount i used up to the full recommended amount with out any nute burn. i never used LK as a foliar but the 5ml/gallon seems like a proper mix (about /3 strength). as far as the mites go, the only way i was ever able to get rid of them for good was to either move or completely tear down everything and sanitize it all twice then spray a preventative. those little fuckers are a bitch to get rid of good luck bro.