The Ground Zero Mosque debate.

Do you think the Mosque should be built?

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Active Member
How can the terrorists say they won? Over a million Iraqis have died so far.

It is called propaganda. They will use those same numbers to bolster their point. They will say, look how mighty they where they killed millions and only a few Jihad soldiers have conquered the great Goliath. When Muslim nations conquer another nation they will build a mosque in the place of the conquered land. This is why so many people have such a problem with it. I fully understand why people have a problem with it. I just say that we are a better country because of our tolerance. Lets not let these terrorist take our freedoms from us. They want us to deny them that right. Its one step closer to destroying what our nation stands for.


Active Member
on this top a group of "extremist" that claim an "islamic faith hijacked a plane" and flew it into the twins tower. Yes inocent ppl died but theres no proof of this even happening. Futhermore hundreds of thousand of "African" American and Native American were enslaved killed off of there own land. By whom the "christians" "IN THE NAME OF GOD" (more like the name of the pope) and their claim of "maifest destiny" Yea its way deeper than what meats the eye. Enyways these same "christians" build churches everywhere and nobody is goin all willy nilly over it. Hummm people choice to have selective memory at time. The media is designed to give you A.D.DDDDDDD (insider). Beside this country was built on an islamic faith. What yu didnt knw "the first prez" was a 33rd degrees shriner aka reconized as a moslem son HA!!! its plain as day the truth is any way.

SN: i have nothing against true christian or enyone eles thats with god. note the quotation marks



on this top a group of "extremist" that claim an "islamic faith hijacked a plane" and flew it into the twins tower. Yes inocent ppl died but theres no proof of this even happening. Futhermore hundreds of thousand of "African" American and Native American were enslaved killed off of there own land. By whom the "christians" "IN THE NAME OF GOD" (more like the name of the pope) and their claim of "maifest destiny" Yea its way deeper than what meats the eye. Enyways these same "christians" build churches everywhere and nobody is goin all willy nilly over it. Hummm people choice to have selective memory at time. The media is designed to give you A.D.DDDDDDD (insider). Beside this country was built on an islamic faith. What yu didnt knw "the first prez" was a 33rd degrees shriner aka reconized as a moslem son HA!!! its plain as day the truth is any way.

SN: i have nothing against true christian or enyone eles thats with god. note the quotation marks

Plus Rep. Smart thinking man,
interesting thread with lots of interesting views and opinions, will be dropping by when I can. surely lots of muslims extremist or not will be gravely insulted by not allowing them to worship even if being publicly funded by the NWO or CFR or the rockafella woteva corp (or not)? dont know the american constitution too well (not a yank) but it does have (supposed) freedom of speech and religious freedom (even though in most of usa and europe civil liberties are goin down the drain) so surely it must be built regardless of any koran burnin priests or any other bs


Active Member
It is part of the muslim religion to build a mosque at the place of a great victory.

Do you think they were the victors? I sure dont want them to be. Lets kill those fuckers for trying to think its a good thing to knock our shit down

yeah doc, thats why i corrected myself after i posted. Just take a deep breath, and stick with me on this: I brought up the witch trials because it was a horrible thing that was done in the name of god, and how that isn't limited to any one religion. I mentioned the european witch trials since over 700 people were killed for being witches, and I don't care what math you use, 700 is greater than 20. This thread started as the mosque debate, I put my opinion out there, you wonderful fact checkers have wieghed in on my discepency, I have corrected myself and pointed out the overall insignificance of that to the arguement with the mosque. So, if everyone is finished fact-checking, would anyone else like to repond with THEIR thoughts?
It didnt have anything to do with god, The people of salem's wheat crops were infected with ergot, a fungus that contains LSA, if you've ever tripped off of morning glory seeds you'd know what LSA is, but point is, everyone was tripping balls, and didnt know why, they were freaking out, and thought they were being fucked with by witches, they all had bad trips, and started putting people to death because the only explanation they had was that these witches were casting spells on everybody, so they killed em, and if that didn't help, then it wasn't that witch fucking with you.
I dont think muslims are hateful terrorists.... but i dont think the people that want to build the mosque mean well. Do some research on what they want to name the mosque. From what I'VE heard and sean its not very respectful. The muslim reps say they just want people to respect them; maybe they should respect what other people think.