The hell with the EURO tax.


Well-Known Member
As an American your already doing more than your fair share defending the free world so why pay the VAT tax? Currently I know of only one bank who's owner is willing to go the extra mile and do the paper work so that US residents don't pay the 20% VAT tax. There may be more but as of now it is only Seedsman that I know of that can ship a pack of FRESH Sensi Northern Light Reg. seeds for $126 total (that includes shipping). Sannies, Seedsman, and Seedbay are the only places I send my money. If this offends any non US residents boo hoo..most of the genetics originated here. Several breeders and banks have a disclaimer that they will ship all over the world with the exception of _______. < That space is NEVER any of the European countries or the UK, or even the countries that weed can be a death sentence...if your crazy enough to grow in Iran or Burma they will gladly send you the beans. Why doesn't Sensi or Serious send product to the US? ...two words, Mark Emory. Never mind that he always had young girls hanging off him every time he mugged for a show like 60 minutes. Just my opinion here.. if you see the letters VAT don't buy, boycott and I can guarantee that the larger seed banks will fill out the necessary paper work so that we don't pay VAT.


Well-Known Member
lol :)

seriously defending the "free" world, so we don't need to pay tax, you sounds like one of them multinational companies now, or just brain washed (no offend)

be happy they even ship it to you, and you can afford em, if I order some thing from the US (Im in Scandinavian) I also pay 20% tax + handling fees, so please stop the crying

you could always hope the free trait deal between the US and EU go trough (if all the spying don't ruin it) but in the end Im sure we (normal Ppl.) won't win much, more made to give more control to them in power


Well-Known Member
LOL stop crying or we will kick your ass.

OK, just kidding, we lost the ass-kicking factor a couple decades ago.

Mark Emory? Seriously?