The Indoor/outdoor grow - Need Answers


Well-Known Member
Ill be starting 9 weeks of flowering soon in a customised shed outside in my garden,

Its a 7x6 foot metal shed,

Ive been reading a few threada here an there about underground and bunker grow ops , and some people say "smell" is a problem,

Now this year ive done 3 grows indoors in a 10x 7 spare bedroom and did no more then 15 big 5foot tall plants in anyone go,

I had no odour control other then a slightly opened window that was also boarded up ( for privacy and to seal from light leaks,)

The whole house stunk when i did my first grow (4plants)

And the second grow stunk the house out( 7 plants)

And the 3rd (15 plants)

Anyways..... Im going big next year like 100 plants

But atm ima be doing a 20 then a 40 plant grow in this shed (using my own means of filling the shed up)

But what im worryed about is smell,

If i have plants in the shed on 12/12 budding away for 9 months
What will the smell be like in my garden( even if the shed door is closed)

Will the neighbours smell it,

What can i do to mask it or get rid of it if it does smell alot

I dont care if the shed reaks inside

Its just outside,

I thought maybe the smel would just waft away with the wind and dissapear?

Bearing in mind ill have a extract on the shed ,

I live on a street half way up a massively high hill so its never (not) windy , theres always a breeze/gale/hurricane lol one of the 3

Please relpy with your answers and tips or help




Well-Known Member
IMO Its gonna stink, and anyone around will know there is MJ nearby, its asking for attention. Use carbon filters and lots of them, its better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Sureoy it wont be that bad

Cmon i had a house that reaked of it front to back and when u was n the front or back garden you couldnt smell it,

So why would a shed smell worst?

Its already outside

Where theres loads of air!!!!