The landslide begins...


Well-Known Member
Obama leads with 64% of the popular vote!

From the Nation:

In the tiny New Hampshire town of Dixville Notch where voters traditionally cast their ballots at midnight, which has not supported a Democrat for president in forty years, and which favored George Bush by overwhelming margins in 2000 and 2004, Obama secured a landslide victory.

The Democrat won 15 of 21 Dixville Notch votes.

In another New Hampshire town that casts and counts all its votes before dawn, Obama had 17 votes to 10 for Mr McCain and 2 for renegade Republican Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
OMG, did Ron Paul get 2 votes! :shock: No shit.

I am still so torn! He is my fave, but has NO chance of getting it, and I am deadset against the right, more than I am against the Obama camp.

I have 30 minutes, then I go put in my part. Touchscreens, goddamit.:evil: