The Mary Jane diaries, first CFL grow by THEK3N..


Well-Known Member
whats up guys, got the new light today put it in and it looks great.

so I'm counting this as day one of flowering.

I will put pics up in a few days if I start seeing some changes.
If your 12/12 from seed you should try autoflowers next time round get feminised so your not wasting effort. I grew big Buddhas critical mass under a 350w cfl last grow it's a nice smoke. Just starting a big Buddha cheese grow check out my grow journal


Well-Known Member
hey rob, yeah loads of people have told me that. i wasnt originally planning on doing 12/12 but decided too because of limited space.
i have heard good things about critical mass, i think i might try that if this one turns out nicely.


Well-Known Member
whats upppp, so day four of flowering is here! plants are looking good apart from a slight bit of burn on the tips of Jane.
Jane.jpgM & J.jpgMary.jpg

I have noticed that one plant is quite a bit bigger than the other, could this cause problems?
the tops of these beauties are looking so nice, cant wait to smoke these in a few months!
Top Jane.jpgTop Mary.jpg

enjoy guys.


Well-Known Member
You would like a even canopy at the tops of your plant, set the short ones on something to even it out more. From what I have noticed about auto flowers is they like 18/6 or 24/0 better than 12/12 from seed, that's why I didn't try them. One of the bigger reasons to do 12/12 from seed is your can sex your plants in 3 to 5 weeks. I use reg. seed, less hermi problems, plus I am given reg. seed by friends. The plant are coming along nicely.:bigjoint:
Are you spraying something on your leaves? The last has whitish coating on them, I see your spray bottles, so is probably


Well-Known Member
You would like a even canopy at the tops of your plant, set the short ones on something to even it out more. From what I have noticed about auto flowers is they like 18/6 or 24/0 better than 12/12 from seed, that's why I didn't try them. One of the bigger reasons to do 12/12 from seed is your can sex your plants in 3 to 5 weeks. I use reg. seed, less hermi problems, plus I am given reg. seed by friends. The plant are coming along nicely.:bigjoint:
Are you spraying something on your leaves? The last has whitish coating on them, I see your spray bottles, so is probably
yeah I'm spraying them with water once or twice a day to keep up the humidity.
I'm also trying a foliar spray with a free sample that I got when I bought the new light. I have used a really diluted solution and I have sprayed them twice with it and have noticed no negative affects yet.

All seems to be well, I am growing suspicious I'm sure there is a problem lurking somewhere... hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Molasses my bitches up today, just mixed a spoonful with a gallon of water and some nutes.
Molasses.jpg yeah thats right its fair trade, gotta do my bit. hahah
Hey if you wanna even your canopy out just tie the tallest one over from the top my last grow I had one plant at about 5 ft the other 2 at about 3 I just snapped the stem over and supported it from above. It didn't harm the plant and the nodes all grew up toward the light within a couple of days


Well-Known Member
Hey if you wanna even your canopy out just tie the tallest one over from the top my last grow I had one plant at about 5 ft the other 2 at about 3 I just snapped the stem over and supported it from above. It didn't harm the plant and the nodes all grew up toward the light within a couple of days
I just put the small one on top of a few books, Steven King hasn't let me down yet hahah.


Well-Known Member
Day 55..

plants are looking good, I'm noticing that they are starting to frost a tiny bit. Jane is swelling up nicely and I'm definitely noticing a slight aroma.

I'm so excited, they look better and better everyday! enjoy the pictures.
Bud Sites On Jane.jpgBud Sites On Mary.jpgJane.jpgMary and Jane.jpgMary.jpg


Well-Known Member
Day 58 from seed.

I might have a problem, but it still could be nothing. I have noticed some discolouration of the lowest leaves have been turning yellow and drying up, I didn't worry about it at first cos the plant looks healthy. But now another leaf has started to turn..

What could this be? and should I be worried, or is it just a normal thing that happens?
But other than this I think the plants are still looking ace, I can see the trichs forming and they smell dank when I rub them. Here is a group shot.
Both Plants.jpg



Well-Known Member
That happen a lot to my plants. Are put a little veg nutes on it still because they still need nitrogen at that age. I make sure of the nitrogen but it still happens,so. Those are starting to take off. Not long


Well-Known Member
That happen a lot to my plants. Are put a little veg nutes on it still because they still need nitrogen at that age. I make sure of the nitrogen but it still happens,so. Those are starting to take off. Not long
Glad its nothing major to worry about, going to water em' tomorrow I will put a little bit more nutes in the water.

When my mates girlfriend come over next I will borrow her awesome camera and take some good photos for everyone, so you can see what I see. hahah
Thanks for the info RW. I saw that picture of that hairy stuff you posted the other day, it looked crazy how was it?


Well-Known Member
It is going to be great when it cured. The little I smoke was great. Good pictures will be fun to look at. You can put more nutes now they using it up.bongsmilie time. Of course Anytime bongsmilie have


Well-Known Member
What's up, I Finally managed to get some good pictures. Just thought I would quickly throw these down. Day 61 from seed, WWxBB.
Frosty Good-ness.jpgJane.jpgMary.jpg

Let me know what you think, Happy smoking guys.


Well-Known Member
Looking excellent :D. Cant wait until i flower my girls out :3.
You got the best bit to look forward to! Watching them get bigger and hairier is so satisfying.
it won't be long Ocho, mine started a bit slow and then shot up in a few weeks.