the moon theorys


Well-Known Member
I used to see only a rabbit facing left. But, suddenly the other day, I saw the Man in the Moon. I'll check for skulls. Could be zombies you know. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! I had no idea. Very interesting. Hard to watch. What if it's true? Do I really want to know? Why do they want to live on the moon?


Well-Known Member

Well worth the watch for you alien folks
That's funny. I almost think thought this was is a joke to parody the moon landing hoaxers. I have never heard of any coverup about the colors of the moon considering it was NASA itself that give the reasons the moon has so many colors and why it is hard for us to see it through the atmosphere. NASA has never perpetuated a lie nor claimed the moon was only shades of gray. Anyone that has owned a good telescope has seen color on the moon. The LRO has good color images of the moon. The stupidity of the video description calling out Hubble's photos as evidence is ridiculous as anyone involved with Hubble could have told them, and I'm sure they know now, Hubble's visible light sensors only record in black and white. Color to Hubble photos are added post-processing.
Articles like this on how to photoshop the moon's color for accuracy have been around for quite some time
I remember one in Sky & Telescope way back when digital cameras were not popular yet among normal people but astrophotographers, even the hobbyist, were all going digital.


Well-Known Member
The only part I'm still confused on is how they got from colors to aliens? Where was the connection? I must have missed that kind of important step.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I think I need to watch it again to elaborate on it, only watched once a year ago and forgot most of it, but the things that almost sound possible get you thinking... Like how they released 1.8 million photos of the moon because they know that no one is going to take the time and find the edits in each photo, and that one edited photo they pointed out. Even on Google Earth/Moon you can see tiny pixelated spots when you go up close, dunno if that means anything. And some of the identical circular craters do appear to be sending out light in all direction like it might be some bio-dome of some sort, that might be getting a little too crazy though. Also the little crosses on the camera that appear in the black sky in some pictures but a lot of them they dont appear... I think Im gunna watch this again lol

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
That giant humanoid bit at the start is a bit ridiculous, I must say. They say that blurred out object is 10 times the size of LA and that the humanoid is like one tenth that size? no fuckin way.


Well-Known Member
The maker of this film was the first person to film rods, and still believes them to be alien crafts or beings. His first UFO themed movie included perpetration of the moon landing being a hoax, yet in this video he clearly thinks we have been there. He can't seem to decide if the moon people are 2in tall or 30ft tall. Poor guy seems to be unable to raise money for further films, despite asking for donations in addition to selling his movies and pdfs.

So he came up with the bright idea of looking at Earth's colouration from high altitude and applying similar gradients to the Moon's surface. Clearly he forgot about the small fact of the Moon having no atmosphere.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Yeah the creator of the film doesnt really raise important points with the colors of the moon, Im pretty sure thats the only point that he was trying to pass. But there is definitely some things that make you wonder in this film, I think the bald guy that was interviewed the most should of played a bigger role in how this film was made.


Well-Known Member
The film is a bit of a let down, unfortunately. It starts well, but then I stopped in the middle. I'll watch some tonight. But, some really good stuff at the start.

- a sleek, finned looking thing half buried into the side of a crater
- a low triangular building shape
- columns on the horizon
- a column reflected in the helmet visor

But, then a lot of false color blue craters and I stopped being able to see what was so stunning. But, surely the recent, high resolution mapping ruled this stuff out?


Active Member
wow some pretty good videos here, im at werk right now so i prob wont watch all of it since it is a bar/resturant ppl always popin in and out, ill get to it wen i get home.. but i heard of someone mentioning a large humanoid... makes me think of the nephilim...


Well-Known Member
Its pretty crazy what you might think of when you see the moon,as in the face or the man in the moon or star wars etc.I look at it and see the yin yang symbol alot of times,its kinda crazy lol.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
The film is a bit of a let down, unfortunately. It starts well, but then I stopped in the middle. I'll watch some tonight. But, some really good stuff at the start.

- a sleek, finned looking thing half buried into the side of a crater
- a low triangular building shape
- columns on the horizon
- a column reflected in the helmet visor

But, then a lot of false color blue craters and I stopped being able to see what was so stunning. But, surely the recent, high resolution mapping ruled this stuff out?
Yeah theres no doubt that those photos have been edited, you gotta think that they are buildings, definitely something secretive, I also had trouble seeing what was there after a while. And those patches that the astronauts wore on their arm, they had Stone Henge and some Egyptian stuff on them, why else would they have Stone Henge on the moon mission patches? It really does seem like this stuff is being hinted at us, like they want a few people to catch on. I wish they'd stop being assholes an just tell us everything lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah theres no doubt that those photos have been edited, you gotta think that they are buildings, definitely something secretive, I also had trouble seeing what was there after a while. And those patches that the astronauts wore on their arm, they had Stone Henge and some Egyptian stuff on them, why else would they have Stone Henge on the moon mission patches? It really does seem like this stuff is being hinted at us, like they want a few people to catch on. I wish they'd stop being assholes an just tell us everything lol.
Certainly a good reason for a cover up. I agree that it would be a disaster to announce it. World apocalyptic riots, I have no doubt. And in the Cold War, that could have been it for civilization as we know it and a fine, how do you do. So, they didn't want us to know perhaps, rightly. Maybe what they know now, they are so glad and are just waiting for Commercial spaceflight to avoid the mob demanding govt's to "do something!!!!"

Now, just stipulating for a moment it's true, it would explain many things. Reports of strange crafts in our atmosphere and that we never went back, just to name a few. That, to me, is the weirdest and most damning evidence. It's just against human nature, not to go back. And we know now there is water and other important substances in a very nearby, very weak gravity field, just for the taking.

Yet, our most adventurous capitalists are planning on mining asteroids, but not until they can place them in orbit around the moon. Just strange. But, maybe they have a different market in mind.

It occurs to me much si-fi has been written about Contact, where a typical human just can't stand the smell or the look, etc. Instant, overwhelming phobia, for most of us. Like spiders in your mouth or something.

IAC, I had forgotten, China has lunar photo-mapping orbiters, as well.

I've postulated before about this inexplicable delay in space faring. I've opined we have secret deals with China, Russia and India, to allow these big populations segments a fair place at the table, ie, to insure their wealth goes in also to share the gain.
I've said I thought the entry price is a Space Station module.

How about this strategy? They just need to go and see for themselves. Don't take our word for it. WAIT ONE..........

Sure enough, all I have to do is test the connection and here it is. Why is India mapping the moon?

OMG!! Many mapping missions planned soon. Britain, South Korea, Europe, a 1/2 dozen private missions. Even manned missions planned out to 2030, by India and everyone else but US. Japan has done lunar missions. Is this what North Korea wants? To just see for themselves? Iran?

Well, now I want to see for myself.


Well-Known Member
We dis-balled who's rocket? North Korea. Why bother? I'd have a better target if I had dis-balling assets in place. :)