The not nudity, nudity thread


New Member
You're not dude. x( That's from a well known scat porn flick. When else would something like that happen? lol x)
yea, but I view sex diff than most... I dig it, but I've always preferred dope over pussy... and shit, fits no where in either of those...unless cocaine is involved :)

"well known scat porn flick"???? me getting all perverted is jackin off to chubby girls...


Well-Known Member
Some of the images that have been posted have been nasty porn, plain dirtiness with bleach/silicon-inundated women etc I think the problem is with depictions of sex acts and genitalia.

I'm not going to lie, some of them I found a bit offensive, seen the woman portrayed or being used like that, as someone with abuse issues. Meh..

On the other hand, some of the full nudes have been more classy, sensitive, subtle, tasteful artistic and generally pleasant. Not INURFACEPOOOOORNZ type stuff. I'm not staff so I can't say any more than that. I think that's basically it... xx

I'm really enjoying some of these :3

Dude, my gif of that girl riding that dude was not a woman being used... Did you see that smile on her face?!

Matt Rize

wow, this thread needs to be edited and get back on track, yikes. sometimes clothes on can say a lot... just sayin' :mrgreen: this pose is called "the plow". no joke.


Well-Known Member
Dude, my gif of that girl riding that dude was not a woman being used... Did you see that smile on her face?!
I've faked a smile to please a man, many a time.

But I didn't say anything in particular- I'm not calling anybody out or calling you all nasty perverts or something. Don't worry. No arguments :3 Just hoping you guys understand it from my perspective.

Continue with the beautiful women, I like to look at them, too.

*should be asleep X3*

edit: Lol I posted a thread about yoga and the 'wrongness' of plough pose a while back. I can get my feet flat on the floor and my crotch in my face.

These yoga pictures are great. They are just doing their thing and we are just quietly: :hump: