The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread


Active Member
my apologies if this has been answered before (and JBerry, I think maybe even you answered in a PM, but I couldnt find it this morning).. my question.. just want to clarify the "order" of canna nute mix.

right now for the next week, I'm still using the Rhizo product - im about 2.5 wks into bloom - but only using the Rhizo at 2ml/gal.

So Cal/mag, then Rhizo, then Canna A, then Canna B. My question - where does the PK 13/14 get added into the mix? Meaning, after which nute does it get added? Also, if I use MOAB near the end of the bloom cycle, when does it get added? after A & B? Before?

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt really matter but i would say add the pk last... the rest of the order you are using is correct. Same for moab.


Well-Known Member
I would never attempt to run 2000 ppm and definitely not in coco... if you are going that high then I am shocked that you dont have fertilizer burn. 2000 ppm = 4.0 EC which is usually a toxic level.

1250 ppm's = 2.5 EC if using the .5 scale (most hanna meters are calibrated to .5)

I personally rarely go over 1150 ppm's (2.3 EC) and I would say the max for coco is around 2.8 EC (1400 ppm) and i would only use the higher end on established heavy feeding plants or you may be risking nute burn and if you dont get burned right away you could still get nutrient build up/ lockouts over time unless you are getting a ton of run-off and using a super clean water source.

Also, I forgot that Canna changed the formula for Cannazym and now it has some nutrients in it which obviously makes it carry a EC so I just wanted correct my other post about it not having a EC (it didnt use to)

Peace, -J

Thank you for the response. What I was getting at was 90ml of a&B each for 4 gallons sure seems alot to get to 2.5EC. According to the little Canna COCO card it says to use 10-15ml per gallon A&B, 2ml Rhizotonic,10 Cannazyme, 8-15 Cannaboost to be around 910-1400ppm...

With that said should I be at 2000ppm for what I am using or even higher? Thank you in advance for any help given. Oh and By the way This Canna COCO run is killing my last grow!

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I would say both week 3 and 4... or u can start using it as soon as u get some little flower clusters forming and stop using it 2 weeks before flower.

If u only want to use it for one week then i would say week 3.5 - 4.5 I suppose.


Active Member
Hey Jberry - i found this snippet below on another tread regarding MOAB - which I'm considering getting cus I'm approaching week 5 running Blue Dream; whatcha make of this?

It works well as a shooting powder from my experience, which basically means that it causes the buds to shoot out extra calyxes and pistils in late flower. While I do like the slight increase in yield that it provides, I am not fond of the way that it deforms the shape of the bud. The extra calyxes that develop can be interpreted as heat stress and may adversely effect the appearance of your buds.

Isnt MOAB alot like Cha-Ching? I've used Cha-Ching awhile back, but in retrospect I didnt lower base nutes, probably over-did it, etc..


Well-Known Member
Yea I have used and recommended MOAB... Ive never used cha-ching but I know that MOAB is Food Grade which is good and I doubt that many others are. Shooting Powder works a little better and seems to be more available to the plant but the price is soo high that it cant really be justified.

So, yea MOAB is good grade stuff... The weird growth they talk about is usually a heat issue in my experience although some products with steriods could be the cause as well.


Well-Known Member
hey i got some coco pro plus. is that any good for seedlings? its my first gro. 5 seedlings died i think its becouse i was using canna terra pro. what do youboys think? thanks


Active Member
hey jberry finally bought canna boost, i no its a waste of money but i just need to no 100% for myself to cancel it out for future grows, its been bugging me ever since it came out especially the price tag. anyway im growing in coco 110litre pots, using the cana coco a+b, rizo, canazyme, pk. i feed 4 times a day about 3 gallons each feed(they drink like crazy caz i have 3000watts per plant.) anyway becasue of the large amounts of water and nutes if i run the boost in my tank ill need 10 to 20 litres of the stuff which would cost me thousands. so i would like to folair feed, i read your post on folair feeding boost to do it close to when the lights come on and only the leaves and every 2nd day. but if im feeding 4 times a day, so should i skip the 1st the feed when lights come on and spray them with boost, or do u have a better idea?


Well-Known Member
hey every one hows it going, im doing my first grow in coco soil i got 3 seedlings at 5 days old, and i was wondering when do i start the nutes, well i got these so far coco A and B rhizotonic, and CannaZym, well all the seedlins are 5 days old sins sprout and got they first set or flower leaves, now i was wondering as far as i know i start with rhizotonic when do i start giving this to the babys and do i need to give them A and B to yet? becouse it does say to give it with rhizotonic in the first week. so if any one can put me in the right track i would really really apriciate it!!!

thanks alot fr any answers!!!


Nas.... IMO if the seedings are rooted - id start on a weak solution... id drop 1ml of a + b and 4ml or rhizo into 1 litre....

Are they showing roots? Did you soak the media prior to planting the seed?


Well-Known Member
Nas.... IMO if the seedings are rooted - id start on a weak solution... id drop 1ml of a + b and 4ml or rhizo into 1 litre....

Are they showing roots? Did you soak the media prior to planting the seed?
yeah i soaked the media in 6.4 ph water 1 day befor i planted seedlings. i cant tell about the roots yet cant see any at the bottem of the pot

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
hi foke av just went and bought canna vega a+b .

does any one have good or bad points about these nutes ?

any info is much appreciated ?

oh has any one got a feeding chart thing ? al be runing dwc if that makes a difference
