The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Why would so many people here be willing to forfeit the rights they already have? 19 intends to make mostly everyone a consumer, or a criminal (yes, it will be a crime to possess weed from an unsanctioned source, which it isn't now).
show me where it says any of this in the bill.

the bill does not even mention sanctioned or unsanctioned sources. you are clearly making this up as you go.

i wish some of the people arguing against this bill would actually debate honestly instead of telling bold-faced lies.


Well-Known Member
show me where it says any of this in the bill.

the bill does not even mention sanctioned or unsanctioned sources. you are clearly making this up as you go.

i wish some of the people arguing against this bill would actually debate honestly instead of telling bold-faced lies.

i think your side is just as guilty of "making stuff up". ;)

seems everyone reads whatever they want into this bill. otherwise there would be no arguments.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
My whole take on this is that everyone is way too excited for some total BS. I would think that after so much BS that people would get smart, wake up, and start really looking at things. But it hasnt happened. It needs to. 19 intends to shut the door on anyone that isn't running a gigantic op. It shouldn't happen that way. Californians would be way better off to just wait a little...Let 19 die.
You tell everyone to " get smart, wake up, and start really looking at things" and then go on to present a baseless assumption that is not in prop 19 at all.

Since you've started to really look at things please show me where in the text of prop 19 does it shut the door on anyone that isn't running a gigantic op.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure that this forum is the best place to gauge the "position" of the actual voters. I mean were on a web site that is named Rollitup. No one should look at these results and make any claims about the actual election results. That being said I am wondering which counties in California are currently the most lenient toward current California marijuana law. These counties will most likely be the ones allowing businesses to produce higher quantities of marijuana for sale purposes.

I see the cartels having issues with this law as they wont be generating a huge sum of cash by trafficking it into California from elsewhere. The cartels may just go into business within the state, however their business will be under the new law allowing control from law enforcement and government.

The only thing I can say for sure is if the state passes this law California will become Amsterdam of the U.S.A. your tourism industry will grow by leaps and bounds. Marijuana tasting, growing, and contests are likely to be used in tourism industry. Enjoy it while it lasts though as other states will be watching closely and will be quick to enact like legislation for "revenue enhancement". The "high" may not last long after passing this law, pun intended.

I may even move back to California after a 23 year hiatus. The law should help in producing jobs. Maybe I can finally get a job doing something in California's new marijuana industry. As this law will create jobs it sounds like the only thing left is to secure the border to make sure illegals are not filling all of the new jobs. Good luck to California whatever it decides!

btw: I voted no as I want my state to be the first with such a law. I also do not live in California so I do not get to vote for real.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
show me where it says any of this in the bill.

the bill does not even mention sanctioned or unsanctioned sources. you are clearly making this up as you go.

i wish some of the people arguing against this bill would actually debate honestly instead of telling bold-faced lies.
That's not a lie, because ITS IN THE FUCKING BILL, why dont you read it? Seriously, why the fuck don't you actually read this piece of shit? You are so for it, and yet you understand nothing about it... so fucking sad. Stop being a goddamn cheerleader.

From the text of the bill...
  1. "Personal consumption" shall not include, and nothing in this Act shall permit cannabis:
    1. possession for sale regardless of amount, except by a person who is licensed or permitted to do so under the terms of an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 11301;
I highly suggest you read Section 3: Lawful Activities, and stop supporting something you don't understand.