"The Perfect Perpetual Grow Room"


Active Member
Give me the dimensions of your room/s and I will design and autocad your very own "Perfect Perpetual Grow Room" Location of windows and doors are needed as well.


Active Member
I made this on paint and then converted it to JPEG so I could upload it at a visible size.
This is the easiest way to give me the dimensions of your room/s. You can use this site to convert it.


Let me know if you want to grow with automated watering hydroponics set up
or mix only what you need for one watering and then apply it more manually
(with watering wand, pump and small container set up). I'll even show you what
products to get. And answer any setup questions you may have

Dimensions Example.jpg


Active Member
5x6x9 walk-in closet. No need for a veg area, only flower, 1k HPS, 4 plants.
Ok what kind of budget are we working with and do you want an automated hydroponics system or water by hand system?
Are you growing them from seed to finish in the same closet or moving them in the flower room when they're ready to bloom?
Are you growing from clones or seedlings? Is your door on the 6ft side? How far is it from both walls and how wide is it?

Oh yeah and you'll need autocad if you want to view it in 3D. Otherwise I'll just draw you a floor plan with instructions on paint.


Well-Known Member
Untitled.jpg10 x 10 room with 1 window and 5 foot by 2 foot closet, 1 1000 watt hps, 1 4 bulb 2 ft t5. 12 plants flower, 12 veg. Soil grow. Already pretty much have everything but i have another 500 to spend. Air cooled hood 6 inch inline fan w carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Might I suggest ...

Make a form with the base questions if you're going to go this granular.

1) Size

2) Style

3) etc ....

Bah, I know it doesn't work out well with forums, but if you're willing to spend the time asking 20 questions up front should beat playing 20 questions with every vague request you receive ...

*shrug* Just a suggestion.
@dragon'shs i became a mem just to holla at u! :-) i would like 2know how i can get grow room design 4 my room ht 8ft lt10 wt10 2 windows 6 1000 watt hps soil pump feed 50 to 60 plants thanks look forwards 2 hearing back from u! Oh 1 more thing i forgot 2 mention i wanna run co2 also
1. How much are you willing to spend to
build this room?
trying to keep it $300 or $400 but $500 tops
2. what are the exact dimensions of your
room. (lengthxwidthxheight)
3. How far are your doors and windows
away from what wall and what are there
widths? Only measure the door/window
width not the molding around it too.
(Do it *exactly* as I showed you on paint)
room diagram.jpg
4. Do you want a perpetual set up or just
a veg/bloom room? If veg/bloom room are
you growing from clones or seeds?
I want a veg/bloom room, growing from clones
5. Do you want an automated hydroponic watering
system or a water by hand system?
water by hand in soil
6. Is there a limit to how many plants you can
grow? If so what?
There is no limit but I was thinking I only want to grow
6 3-4ft plants but whatever will give me the most yield is what I want.
I've only done a total of 3 grows and they were one plant at a time except
the last grow that was a 'sea of green' grow with 5 plants in one soil container
so I don't know what will help me get the best yield possible.
7. Do you have autocad installed?
No but if it's free software for the computer I can get it.
8. What level of secrecy do you need? In other
words is it a legal grow?
I have my medical marijuana card. I am legally growing.

I know lights are expensive and I don't want to put much money into them
so I already have a 400watt hps light. I would like to know,
would it be better to buy another 400watt hps and use 2x400watt hps
or buy a 1000watt hps and use that?