The Pro's and Con's of growing in a marsh


Well these are great places to grow don't get me wrong but you might need to know some things about your neighborhood wet-spot.

so lets start of with the positives. Water to use for your plants. Nice soil that is pushed up to the surface by the pressure of the water and nice places to hide your plants. Also no one is realy going to "stumble" upon your plants if you can find nice places to set them up.

Now for the bad parts
under the hole you dig there might still be water and because of water pressure it might shoot through, drowning your plants. Lets face it, worse comes to worse your girls wont be able to take in that much water.

Also if there is a nice rain storm the marsh has a good chance of overflowing on to your plants if they're close enough.
Animals are a big problem too since they're always in and out of that marsh for food, water and shelter. The biggest threat that I've seen for my plants (In Michigan anyways) is the white tailed dear that walk in and out of the marsh.

Now for a change in this quickly made post. a way to avoid all this while still growing in the marsh itself!

1: if your near water BACK UP. you always have to remember the chances of that water overflowing in a rainstorm.
2: look for tracks of animals. Get to know your wanderers first before you set up. The best prevention of dear from what i read and from my friend is to use dog shit in little sacks. or any other carnivore's shit you can pick up. This will only keep them away for so long, and come October they wont care much.
3:If your back away from the water it will be alright to dig but go a few feet deep to make sure theres no water pockets in your area.

Sorry for such a shitty Post but I thought I should state a few things. Mostly for this rep type system I hear about

Anything to help fellow growers out. If you have more Suggestions please post them!

Happy growing!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lets not forget about the highly acidic nature of soil in marshes and bogs..... blocks uptake if your not careful. it helps alot to line your holes with ash or lime


Well-Known Member
it gets humid as hell out there! i grew in some wetlands last summer and the buds were loosest fluffiest nugs i've ever seen. they started to rot by the end aswell. never again!