The question that might leave you puzzled

So today in my college class my proffessor asks me to define a bromance, and i do his response is "Can two gay guys have a bromance"? well can they?
its not a community college, its actually a 40k a year college which im starting to wonder why i pay that much but its a communication class, again i should state my proffessor is a complete nut job so that might explain it


New Member
Odd, before I quit a very good school to go to jail, our professors never got so far off topic that a lecture turned to bromance.
before jail....ouch thats never fun but his way of stringing it in with his lecture was communication is everywhere and a bromance is a form of diatic communication betweeen two individuals that in some cases can only be expressed between the two involved


Well-Known Member
two gay guys dont have to be romantic, true. but how many of your female friends do you never glance at there ass or something. and if there butt ugly, more likely than not, there not your friends, just the way most guys are. the problem is that a gay guy can get a hard on for another guy. might be drunk night, who knows? but im sure youve fucked an ugly friend chick on drunk night too. bromance is the same defining character as a father and son bonding experience. to create this you two must connect on a wide level. the only reason its called bromance and not romance is the fact that theres no sexual feelings. so my conclusion is that is is possible in theory, but not practical in todays world.


Active Member
to my understanding bromance would be where two males develope a friend ship, the friend ship become quite intense to the point of near living in each pockets.
most friendships like this come and go through life and no emotional involvement is there in a sexual nature.

like the old saying when you die you only have a hand full of TRUE friends.
i agree doc, but when you find that person that has it coming to them games on.... i want to live my life like the boondock saints, well the first one, kill those who deserve to be killed. save our country some money. less people in jail less criminals, more people to produce grass. What a perfect society that would be