The Second Amendment- Right to Bear Arms


Well-Known Member
Saltrock, you look for the most fun toy? That's that the problem. It isn't a toy. And you practice the Agenda. Incrementation.

Oh, these are fun. Not easy to reload, not easy to hit the target. Lot of fun to learn a new skill??? What???

And you are practicing the reduction to ludicrous exercise, "What are guns for?"

Guns are for killing and inflicting grave harm.

Therefore, we will not become a Nation of emotional weaklings, thanks to the 2nd A. We appreciated it more and more as this hysterical fear is fanned once again.


Well-Known Member
Well I can't imagine a class room or movie theater has a distance more then 20-25 yards, so you are right it would be easy to accurately spray down human lives with that type of gun. So easy a caveman could do it, or a deranged person.

At least admit that it would be easier to kill a classroom full of kids or a movie theater full of people with a bushmaster type gun and extended magazines versus M1a or a revolver.

That is like saying one person throwing one snow ball at a time is just effective than 10 people throwing snowballs. Or one person who has buckets full of snowballs is equal to one person making snowballs one at a time.

Even if you did have a hand gun while a crazed gunman with bullet proof gear and way more ammo then you, opened fire in a movie theater, you think with all the confusion you are going to take out the shooter before you run out of bullets? What are the chances you hit and innocent person? Just like the incident in LA when those russian guys robbed that bank, those cops were out gunned and had a hell of a time taking those guys out. So to you the obvious answer is fight fire with fire instead of taking just the matches away.

You are not preaching peace. You are practicing false argument. Take away the matches? How is that possible?

The movie guy jambed his AR but he had other weapons. You in the Agenda are just seeking to blame magazine capacity. Why? People were shotgunned, also. Nailed by his handgun. You jumped on the bandwagon that was stalled, named Clips. Ban Clips. Ban Clips.

But, the kid that opened up in a school in Taft, CA, yesterday, brought a shotgun.

So, you and the rest of the drones of Agenda, are not thinking it through. So easy to just swallow.

Which is recommended easier to kill people with, Alex Trebeck nose or Paris Hilton's skinny ass?

Can you protect your home better with a sewing needle or will the thimble be a better Govt suggestion?

That is the level of argument you present.


Well-Known Member
Well I can't imagine a class room or movie theater has a distance more then 20-25 yards, so you are right it would be easy to accurately spray down human lives with that type of gun. So easy a caveman could do it, or a deranged person.

At least admit that it would be easier to kill a classroom full of kids or a movie theater full of people with a bushmaster type gun and extended magazines versus M1a or a revolver.

That is like saying one person throwing one snow ball at a time is just effective than 10 people throwing snowballs. Or one person who has buckets full of snowballs is equal to one person making snowballs one at a time.

Even if you did have a hand gun while a crazed gunman with bullet proof gear and way more ammo then you, opened fire in a movie theater, you think with all the confusion you are going to take out the shooter before you run out of bullets? What are the chances you hit and innocent person? Just like the incident in LA when those russian guys robbed that bank, those cops were out gunned and had a hell of a time taking those guys out. So to you the obvious answer is fight fire with fire instead of taking just the matches away.

Excuse me Mr. Killer/robber, that gun you are using is illegal now, please put it down. And I mean it! Oh, and drive safe during your getaway, speeding is against the law.


Well-Known Member

  • You are not preaching peace.​

If we had only banned rocks after Zog hit Durg with a rock in that first instance in 10,000 BC none of the ensuing violence would have ever happened.


Well-Known Member
And what is a rock but a stand off fist?

I was in the National Armor Museum in Zurich. They had a tableau of a unit of Pikers, with 16 footers!!!

I stood back gazing at the determination on their faces. Back boot on the grounded butt, braced for the charge.

I suddenly realized. What is a rifle but a stand off pike?

We don't ask for violence, but we do demand to protect ourselves with as many bullets as WE need. The intruder won't be bringing a pop gun.

And that is no matter what you ban.


Active Member
So the answer is.... More guns! So lets say we do arm everybody, how does that look? I guess criminals won't commit crimes now? I see bigger shootouts more innocent people accidentally getting shot. The sad thing is their are so many guns in this world now , it's like a cancer that cannot be cured. Your and answer is more guns and beyond that you guys throw your hands up and say oh well. You must be so proud.



Well-Known Member
Not more guns, bo-bo. Just guns. It's right. The solution you seek is not here, nor is this the problem. Anyone can twist off the claws of Agenda and take a deep breath.

There is no problem with guns. Gun deaths are in decline and gun saves are increasing. To ignore that is dastardly, imo.

To try to reverse that trend by restricting guns. To make gun owners the bad guys? Why now? It is safer now because of guns. They are fooling you. Gun ownership works, saves your ass, even though you don't exercise your right, perhaps. All these things you precieve in fear, is wrong. The facts don't bear out. Wild shootouts don't occur if I'm armed and pop the perp in the head before he can blink. Armed people are polite, iac, if we all are.

It's is pure emotion tampering. It's not about hunting or murder. It mind control. Just listen to Eric Holder. So, Mexican drug gangs can carve off the Southwest US? You just aren't thinking. They have made up this problem. Don't you see that?

It is a pussify, metro-sexual Agenda for power. Spit it out, bro. Don't swallow it. Go to the range, run some rounds.

And, of course, I'm proud. I'm an American.


Well-Known Member
So the answer is.... More guns! So lets say we do arm everybody, how does that look? I guess criminals won't commit crimes now? I see bigger shootouts more innocent people accidentally getting shot. The sad thing is their are so many guns in this world now , it's like a cancer that cannot be cured. Your and answer is more guns and beyond that you guys throw your hands up and say oh well. You must be so proud.

To be fair I haven't read this thread. I would like to say that. More guns isn't exactly the answer, no. I am smart enough to realize that even if it were possible to remove every single gun from this country crime wouldn't go away. Gun crime in Australia is down, gun crime in the UK is down, gun crime in China is down. But guess what. Violent crime is WAY up. Much higher than it was before any gun ban was passed. What does that say? Well to me it says two things.

One, gun bans don't work. and two, when you ban the gun crime goes up, but why? Well because criminals. You know, those bad guys that like to do harm and will always be a part of society so long as humanity exists. They know the people they want to rob, rape, murder are unarmed or at least don't have a powerful gun capable of killing them instantly. They feel more confident. Think of it like sticking a pretty young woman in a prison with nothing to defend herself against. The unarmed civilians are that pretty lady, and the criminals well. They are the criminals.

Gun bans, as nice as they may sound in concept. Have and always will fail in reality.

Oh, to answer your next question. Yes, I support "assault weapons". You're going to probably ask why. Well Tyranny. Before you laugh out loud. Do you think the people of Germany would have given up their arms had they known Hitler's full intentions? Do you think they would have stayed in Germany knowing they would be burned alive? I'm pretty sure your answer, like mine is no, they had no idea.

Tyranny is and always has been a part of human history. It will happen again. Don't think because we have iphones and LED TV's it'll never happen again. That is foolish and naive.