The Sidewaze Daze!


Well-Known Member
Thanks again willie!! Will look into that coating issue.(beggers can't be choosers) So yeah with the cost of this bad boy being zero! and turning off both my 150 and 250 hps. I should be able to justify the larger bill. Our place has a washer dryer dishwasher central air. and it's a trailer. fluctuations per bill is not unusual.


Well-Known Member
you must love that low, low, pricing. FREE! All of my digital 1000 watt ballasts were saved from being scraped after minimal to no usage in a professional potato grow(seriously!). And 2 cases of hortilux bulbs to boot. That was a great score though...


Well-Known Member
willie u got them for free?
A major potato chip company(you cant eat just one), had a research facililty with a huge indor/outdoor grow-op that was built and destroyed within 2 years. Two indoor buildings and rows of greenhouses. Everything from the grow was being junked, including the new inventory, so some of it left in my van. I wish I could have hauled their custom flouro racks, but I didnt want too many people seeing what I saved from the scrap heap. The ballasts were laying alongside of one the dumpsters, so I backed up my van and loaded the them up. When I seen a worker with a cart full of Hortilux boxes I was jacked. I wish they weren't so no-no about cameras. Pictures of a grow like that would leave the best of Amsterdam drooling. Big industry doesnt fuck around. The security when their grow was running was top notch. Handprint ID at the main gate and at every outside door. Everything was stainless steel and all doorways contained air showers to keep pests(mites/spores) out. And full environmental control. Those folks breed hybrid potatos like we breed pot.


Well-Known Member
Today is 5 weeks flowering. gettin some yellowing.....agian! I've had issues with this in other plants in the past. I added a little 20-20-20 to my bloom ferts today as well. I'm pretty sure is a N def? I do know that these plants burn from nutes easy, and have burnt the tips on these earlier on. So it's seems like a catch 22. I guess I need to get a little more N in the nutes. without over ferting with the other elements.

All in all it's still lokking pretty good. Will have to tie up some of the side branches in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
For an organic pure N treatment i use blood meal. I think its 30-0-0, but I am a little buzzed and too lazy headed to walk and look.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of something like that. blod meal, or fish emulsions er something of that sort. I think the only thing I can get near by would be the blood meal.
How do you apply that? I was also under the impression that an organic nute like that takes a few weeks to become active or available?

I also have 30-10-10 plant prod for evergreens but it says ever acid on it and I know evergreens love acidic soil. Not sure if the acid part would affect me if I ph adjust my water after adding nutes?


Well-Known Member
take the blood meal powder and out it in a plastic jug with some water and shake the shit of it and add when you water. It will help the take up speed some. Fish emulsion is impossible to get in my area too, so this what I came up with.


Well-Known Member
Dat 37... Well the tide has turned today!! Now I have to tie the branches up not down. this is a good change!:hump::hump::hump:
Thanks willie i'm going to grab some blood meal this week.



Well-Known Member
why do you want to use bloodmeal when you have to flower a few weeks and than your finish?
when your plant is flowwering she dont need mutch (N) anymore,its normal that leaves turning yellow at the end


Well-Known Member
Are you sure about using blood meal right now?
ummm.......nope? It was still an ongoing debate in my head and you guys and the plants have made up my mind. thanks. I was going to give them a few days since I was running on the dry side for the last week now that i've figured out my water usage a little better they are doing a little better.
Plus if you look at the attached pic...yeah didn't want to post that 1 full screen:mrgreen: you can see I've had experience with this before.:hump: was just getting a little frustrated when I saw them start but really it's not that bad and not getting worse.
Just gave them some water today with a shot of mollasses. 2tsp/gallon.



Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting grow obviously. I'm not at all surprised that you are gowing yellow. Big ass plants do that. It's not much too worry about this far into it.

The only thing I don't like about this grow is the sheer amount of time it's taken to get to this point. Other than that, I absolutely love the idea. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat wondering how much you'll get.

I love that you have done such a great and detailed journal. I love to experiment, but I don't think that this is one that I would touch. With the space used and the lighting/electricity, you could have grown a shit ton by now. Hell, I've started and finished since you turned it on it's side and I'm finished.

So my hat's off to you good sir. It's certainly a joy to watch and I'll bet that you will be rewarded with retarded amounts of good quality buds. Those buds are going to be giants being they have about 20 more days easy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks laserburn. Yeah I completely understand your point on time vs light etc. I'm not growing for profit or anything, if that was the case I could be setup with a house If I wanted. Originaly I just had the 250 watt and the small 150 watt so I wanted to see what I got doing it this way. I also don't feel comfortable in the long run growing a shit ton of plants. Also at the time I started this I had no room to flower those 2 clones, which I got rooted. Not on my time.
This way if shit was to hit the fan, bettween my bro and I we have 5 plants total, here in canada the charge would likely not be too serious. I know that is not always the case but I just like the hobbie I don't want to live paranoid thinking Shit I could go to jail, just for growing a more dope than I need.


Well-Known Member
ummm.......nope? It was still an ongoing debate in my head and you guys and the plants have made up my mind. thanks. I was going to give them a few days since I was running on the dry side for the last week now that i've figured out my water usage a little better they are doing a little better.
Plus if you look at the attached pic...yeah didn't want to post that 1 full screen:mrgreen: you can see I've had experience with this before.:hump: was just getting a little frustrated when I saw them start but really it's not that bad and not getting worse.
Just gave them some water today with a shot of mollasses. 2tsp/gallon.

i wish i made mistakes that looks like that plant!!! dude, what do you think is wrong with it??!


Well-Known Member
ummm.......nope? It was still an ongoing debate in my head and you guys and the plants have made up my mind. thanks. I was going to give them a few days since I was running on the dry side for the last week now that i've figured out my water usage a little better they are doing a little better.
Plus if you look at the attached pic...yeah didn't want to post that 1 full screen:mrgreen: you can see I've had experience with this before.:hump: was just getting a little frustrated when I saw them start but really it's not that bad and not getting worse.
Just gave them some water today with a shot of mollasses. 2tsp/gallon.
DId you mean this one? that was definitly N def. the reason for it I believe was just lack of N too early, that was why I was getting a little worried bout these for a second. But that is also why I added compost with these sideways ones, and I think with that and keeping proper water their doing alright.