The state of the union address

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
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Did anybody notice Obama bitched a lot? MF new what he was being elected into :blsmoke:


New Member
A more apt term would be The State of Obama address. "Me, me, me, me, I, I, I, My, My, My, Me, me, me, me ....


Active Member
I dont know about you,but i heard alot of we, we ,we ,we. But i dont want our president to fail or America to fail so i hear whats being said not what the right SAYS is being said.

Failed attempt by the right to hold Obama to the fire................ the fire was set back on the right for supporting the "waterloo" statement. for 1 example.
They boxed themselves in...... cant vote in line with Obama because it puts them in jeopardy with their own party for supporting something that Obama supports. even if it was brought up by republicans, they have to vote against it to make it "Obama's waterloo". theres going to be alot of hypocritical voting coming up from the right, lets get it on record and put it out in public for all to see.

Supported it until Obama supported it, i dont think thats a very smart strategy. makes them look even more hypocritical, or obstructionist.


New Member
Several people I work with are Obama fans. They were all talking about how great the speech was. I asked every one of them what Obama said. Not one could tell me. Obama has a great smile though. :lol:


Well-Known Member
All he did was bitch and moan.
What the hell did he think he was in for....Fun and Games
Always shifting the blame it seems too.


Did anyone watch the daily show where they were talking about the state of the union address? Perfect example of what me and many others on this thread were talking about.


Active Member
When President Obama ran for office,he told us what he was going to do.Now some people(Rep.s who never thought he would ever win)Are whining up a storm about what he's trying to accomplish.Get ready Republicans..It's a new day.


New Member
Gee, since he's broken pretty much every campaign promise.... where are you getting your info. he hasn't done what he promised that's for sure... Pay attention please.

Wait, he did promise to get a dog.


New Member
Did anyone happen to watch past the SOTU and see the Republican rebuttal? They cited as showcasing their plans. Go to that website right now and see if you can find anything substantive. Just the same old shit we've already figured out won't work. Pathetic.

We finally are in a place where we can move forward progressively and stop falling behind every other rich nation on earth that pays less for healthcare yet insures all citizens. Yet, all the right has to say is 'no'. Maybe a bit of an oversimplification, but they are fucking themselves at a rapid rate, as well as the country. They are so hellbent on fighting Obama that they oppose things that they used to support, just for cheap politial points.

That does America no good. Time to get rid of this shitty 'Obama loses, thus we win' attitude. Grow up, right.


New Member
Increasing the govt. payrolls and sucking the air out of the private sector room isn't moving forward.... it's backward son.

That's why Obama started at 67% in the polls (ppl DID vote for him after all), and now he is at 47% (now they see what he's really doing, but not you)

That's why 11 MAJOR US companies fled offshore this year.

That's why foreign investment has crawled to a trickle.

That's why business has cut their costs to the bone and yet won't increase their workforces.

because we aren't moving forward..... we're just taking private money and making it public....while the true engine (private) is ignored.


New Member
Unlike a lot of progresives, I can understand where people on the right are coming from (or, at least some of them). What I hear from you is basically a desire for smaller governent, right? Or am I misreading you somehow?

The only problem with a smalle government is that it is an antiquated idea that does not work nowadays. It was a terrific notion back in 1810, when the main infringment on your rights to life liberty and happiness was an oversized government. But nowadays, the biggest threat we face is from business. Left unchecked, they would rape you and me and everyone else they could. The only way to protect ourselves is with some help from a strong government.

And I am not sure about this one, but I would imagine businesses are cutting costs to the bone and not hiring because of the state of disrepair we were left by our previous administration. Just hazarding a guess, you know?

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
But nowadays, the biggest threat we face is from business. Left unchecked, they would rape you and me and everyone else they could. The only way to protect ourselves is with some help from a strong government.
The government isnt going to protect anybody from business, right now, they are one in the same. Business runs this country because the people we elect to represent US, tend to not represent US, they represent the interests of whomever can throw them the biggest piece of cake.


The government isnt going to protect anybody from business, right now, they are one in the same. Business runs this country because the people we elect to represent US, tend to not represent US, they represent the interests of whomever can throw them the biggest piece of cake.
Its true, business does pretty much run this country. Think about it. Think about some of the most bullshit laws enacted in this countries history. The two dumbest ones that come to mind are the Marihuana tax act and the "Patriot" Act.

Anybody with a brain knows why pot is illegal, as long as the jailcells can get crowded up, people in power in this country with investments in prisons will stay rich. Not to mention the problem marijuana as medicine would cause for the pharmaceutical industry. Dont even get me started on hemp.

The same anybody with a brain would also know why the patriot act was enacted. I'm not gonna say that the government caused 911, but whether they did or not it seemed to be a convenient way for them to scare the shit out of people into signing off on some of their constitutional rights. (Also to get americans to support a war that was clearly a waste of time and only in the interests of oil investors) But dont listen to me, they have weapons of mass destruction :o

Give me a break.


New Member
The government isnt going to protect anybody from business, right now, they are one in the same. Business runs this country because the people we elect to represent US, tend to not represent US, they represent the interests of whomever can throw them the biggest piece of cake.
No arguments there, our current situation is quite a mess in that respect. I struggle to come up with many representatives, senators, or other politicos not in someone's back pocket or the other.

But credit cards that arbitrarily jack up your interest rate 30 points, so called 'healthcare providers' that deny anyone not in perfect health and dropping those that actually need healthcare, Wall Street betting on shitty mortgages, then betting on the bets, then betting on the bets on the bets.....some of this shit can be, should be, and needs to be regulated. But like you said, with just about everyone in someone's back pocket or the other, it won't happen soon enough, if ever.

Sorry to rant, I usually save political fervor for election season, but I just had to watch my GF pay $200+ a month for a shitty healthcare plan because she has a 'pre existing condition'....and all the right can propose is tort reform and crossing state lines. They might be good ideas, but they are not effective mechanisms for bending the long term curve of health care costs.


New Member
hempcurescancer, you probably do not want to get me started on 911, the patriot act, or the criminalization of cannabis. We would be up all night posting back and forth agreeing with each other.

What I will say about 911 is that many buildings that were not built as well as the World Trade Center were also struck by flying planes, burned longer, and still remained standing. I hope we find out the real truth about 911 sometime in our lifetimes.


New Member
Well, I just took at look at some of the posts started by CrackerJax. Some very interesting. Some made me question his/her ability to do simple math. Let me explain...

CrackerJax, you stated that we pay more than 1.5 times more than any other wealthy nation on health insurance because ours is better. Is that why we rank #37 on the list, according to no less an authorityt than the WORLD FUCKING HEALTH OPRGANIZATION? Is that why I routinely had to wait 3 weeks to see a doctor when I had a decent private plan through my employer? Does 37=1? IS that why we have higher infant mortality rates? Is that why so many people, even those with insurance, lose their homes or go bankrupt due to health issues? Are you aware that the notion of someone going bankrupt due to medical bills is an absurd notion in any other wealthy nation?


New Member
I never stated we pay 1.5 times anyone else.

You need to look at the parameters of the WHO's ranking.

Want a band aid? Go to Europe.....

Have Cancer?.... get ur arse over to the USA.

The USA leads where it counts.... in technology and equipment and the big diseases.

Try getting an MRI in Europe.

The UK system is going broke... they are already rationing.

We are already rationing Medicare. That is a small program compared to what is proposed.

Please don't use personal anecdotes... I can post 10 for every one of yours... they are anecdotes...

Let's be clear....some of you folks thinks money grows on trees. Obama is spending on a tear like no other President ... EVER!

I am for smaller govt. I'm for a govt. which stays inside the constitution.

Defend the nation, keep us safe. Tar the roads, build the schools....fine. That's about it though..... basic infrastructure and security. Everything else belongs to the states.

The only thing Obama has done is choke the private sector and grow the government.

Some one said earlier that business ran the country.... well blow me down and pick me up again.... of course it does. It also gives you everything you have or will have.... no one else. The govt. can't give you ONE thing if it doesn't take it from business somehow. Now if any of you think somehow the govt. can make money .....outside of printing it.. ur looney.

Business PAYS for IS the engine...not the govt. Govt. is the anchor dragging behind the business ship. If the anchor gets big enough.... the ship sinks.

Obama is making a very big anchor..... and he may just sink the ship. He sure seems like he's trying.... or he's not very bright.