the story


New Member
this thread is a story thread..befor posting a story post your name so no one takes your spot...the goal is to continiue the story from the last person....

well it was a hot morning when mike awoke from his sleep...rising to the sound of crunching glass mike grabbed the only thing he knew to be true,his he came around the bend of his room he see the back of someone steping into his 13 year old daughters room...hearing her scream he moved into action..running into the room he was met in the face with a shot gun blast..spraying his brains across the room his daughter screams"OOO MMYYYGOOODD DDDAADDYYY". receving a blunt pistiol slap silenced the 2 men left the room joleane an mike were left lynched...

Biznizz Hippee

Active Member
and hanging in the kitchen by red yarn. It quickly broke and they got up and walked in the basement and met a fuzzy rabbit sitting on their basement floor. they asked the rabbit if he had some tacos and he said yea but fist we gotta smoke this killer kush. They rolled a fat blunt up and started toking it down, when to thier surprise they heard a police siren. Mike grabbed his taco shell and formed a make shift prison shank out of it and killed the rabbit. he grabbed joleane and started for the stairs when they heard footsteps comming down them...