The Sunday Comics ~ The Funnies


Active Member
Growing up so long ago, the best thing of the week was waiting for the Sunday paper to arrive and delve into the comics. What is the funniest thing, either here on this forum, others, told, or other ... Concerning weed and all of it's many aspects ....

I will start with this ... Someone had asked someone about switching to 12/12, and what happens if he is a "little late or early" in getting to the precise time to do so. It appears that he did not have enough money to get even a inexpensive timer to do so. One of the guys spoke up and told him ... " If you are early or late by even ONE MINUTE, a Boogie Man will come out and devastate your work for being tardy !! I almost pissed myself when I heard that one :-)

And your Comic moment ....

The MaineYankee :-)