The TGA Growers Club


Well-Known Member
i woulda left em longer personally but then again im only looking at a picnot lookin at them in front of me lol.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
How long did u leave em b4 chop? only got nine weeks left till xma lol and 13 weeks till my birthday, i got two jtr's in my flower tent bout a week in so wont be long b4 i can show some porn
These were put in the tent 9 weeks ago. No amber but all growth had stopped and the hairs were starting to retract. I was thinking about leaving them a little longer but needed to get my next tray in before it got out of control.

i woulda left em longer personally but then again im only looking at a picnot lookin at them in front of me lol.
They probably could have went another week but then that goes 2 weeks past what the breeder recommends. As time goes on and the same plants come back through I will try harvesting at different times. I took a bud from the Ch1 at 7 weeks that was almost as good as it is at 9 weeks. The only difference really was that by 9 weeks they had put on a lot of weight.


Active Member
Got a single "Vortex" seedling....please please please be female! Did a lot of research to select this one. TGA either has good seeds or good descriptions, probably both. Completely stoked to inhale this one, but 5 or 6 months will seem like a long time.

I need to keep this one very compact to try and reduce the smell. It will be trimmed to make like six, 12" tall colas. Like a bonzai tree.

Pic's will be posted as it progresses.


Well-Known Member
ehy just thought id update. im a real member of the club now.. got my querkle and deep purple :).

now i just gotta get off my ass and start these babies up lol.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Whats the chernobyl smoke like Don?Ive got 6 or 7 ladies almost 3 weeks into flowering and was wondering how good the smoke is.....Also any smoke report on Space bomb would be great....thanks

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not sure man ive not popped any of my beans yet the pics previous are querkle.

5 has grown them out n rates them tho man he can probably tell you better!

not actually seen anyone chime in with anything on the space bomb but it does look like a killer strain.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I kept two mothers ,JTR and SB and all my plants look dank,My SQs are reaching for the roof and I think they will be close to 5 ft. when they are done.My chernobyls are all shorter stout phenos,theres supposed to be a stretchy pheno in chernobyl but I avoided it......peace


Well-Known Member
get your grow on! jester! i cant wait to pop my deep purple either!
yeah me either lol. though querkle is more known to get purple hues apparently.

and i like how the deep purple seeds all look similar with the cool pattern. the querkle dont seem to have much of a pattern do they. they look like kickass beans though. the pattern must come from the purple urkel primarily. but agreed i cant wait to pop any of them lol.. KID IN A CANDY STORE :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm not too fussed bout the purple colour its the berry taste in one of the pheno's that makes it worthwhile well at least for me.


Well-Known Member
yeah that would be awsome. my senses are tingling already.... what would you recommend first bro? im thinking querkle followed closely by by deep purple perhaps just a bit outa sink at least that way i can make use of any narnas if theres any ;).

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
good thought yeah, i imagine you'll be cloning right? how many of each did you get? enough to hopefully get both pheno's from the querkle.

ive not tried the deep purp yet but i imagine it will be much the same as the querkle. crossing one with the other if you get a male could give you a refined version of both?!


Well-Known Member
sorta but hopefuly more to the urkel side if i get lucky lol.

umm i got five of each and one of ma querkle beans looks knarly i cant wait to pop it. like i said the deep purple seeds are a bit more uniform but something tells me these querkle may be worth popping first and perhaps following through with something along the lines as you said. its more a mater of whether thats cool with subcool probably i dont see why it wouldnt be though.

and yeah you kinda have to clone to breed really not always though but it makes it easy. but like i said this will probably just be a little cross an refied from there as to stay away from whats rightfully someone elses ya know.


Well-Known Member
uh oh i just had a close inspection at the beans and it seems the black knarly one was broken :( so i have 4 querkle sorry