The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Exo x Dreamtime from Tip Top via Dura.
(15L pots)

Exo x DT males, one of which is getting pollen farmed and put back over the Exo.
Most probably the left one.
IMAG0438.jpg IMAG0439.jpg

Exo about to get cloned.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
how did you do with the exo scrog you did?
Shite mate.

It went twice as long to be half as good, too small pots for the most part I reckon.
I'll have another bash sometime no doubt.

It went out cheap and there were no complaints mind.

They looked like this come chop.......


........after 14 weeks. :roll:


Well-Known Member
got a dog seedling that ive just put into 11 litres of supersoil see if she likes it whats she like re feeding weight etc?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fucking hell Root It Gel is so much better to work with than that shite Clonex.

The tub is around 5-6 times bigger for the same money and it stays where you put it.
It's very viscous were as Clonex just runs all over the place, I'm sold.


Well-Known Member
roots?, or gtfo!

shite eh? sarcasm doesn't come across too well sometimes..

you can't be serious surely, how much di you get off those two?


Well-Known Member
havnt had a holiday for 4 years so was very stoned today and booked one, got a bit carried away ...was thinkin canaries for a week for 4 but ended up with a 5 * suite in Goa for fortnite this winter, mrs is happy today ffs


Well-Known Member
winter holidays are nice, just the two of you? who's gonna be the poor soul to look after your garden while you are there?


Well-Known Member
bollocks that was you taking that pic on the bus, we know what goes on in the yorkshire dales

i thought it was a nice arse when it was loading then i scrolled down to the spare little piggy that mst get some nasty stubbings