The Union: The business behind getting high


Well-Known Member
The Union: The business behind getting high.

BC's illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a business giant, dubbed by some involved as 'The Union', Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually. With up to 85% of 'BC Bud' being exported to the United States, the trade has become an international issue. Follow filmmaker Adam Scorgie as he demystifies the underground market and brings to light how an industry can function while remaining illegal. Through growers, police officers, criminologists, economists, doctors, politicians and pop culture icons, Scorgie examines the cause and effect nature of the business - an industry that may be profiting more by being illegal.

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High is a movie about the big industry that creates and selling illegal Cannabis.Cannabis is still illegal most parts of the world,despite that cigarettes and Alcohol is taking more life's then Cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I wish everyone would watch it, too bad most of the people who think marijuana prohibition is a good thing wont watch it because they don't want to know the truth and learn they they have been wrong. :-?


Well-Known Member
I was able to grab this off my sat about 2 months ago just befor a bad storm hit it was so frickin good but there are some cheezy parts frickin good If got a collection of docs about pot that Ive grab over the years another good one is WALK NAKED SINGING really good


Well-Known Member
Wow, most people should watch this.. even though probabbly most of them will not believe it since a lot of them are brainwashed by today's government.